Alpha’s Secret Read Online Renee Rose (Bad Boy Alphas #10)

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Bad Boy Alphas Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 65066 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 325(@200wpm)___ 260(@250wpm)___ 217(@300wpm)

Declan sighs. “Anything else?”

I tell him what I found around the truck stop and at the theater. “I need eyes on both. I’ll pay. You think you can make that happen?”

“Yeah. It’ll cost ya.”

“That’s fine. I’m good for it.” I’ll pass the bill on to Frangelico.

As if he can hear my thoughts, Declan says, “It’s dangerous, working for the vampire king.”

“I know. I wouldn’t do it unless I had to.” I must be crazy, offering up that bit of information. Hanging around Jordy has made me soft. More willing to reach out and make a connection. If I don’t get a hold of myself, I’ll be handing out friendship bracelets and getting the Stooges to braid my hair.

“I don’t know what drives a shifter to partner with a vampire,” Declan says carefully, “but I do know this. Vampires are dangerous, and the king—he’s the most dangerous of them all. You’re swimmin’ in shark-infested waters, Grizz.”

I sigh. “Don’t I know it.”

“Make sure ya don’t bleed.”

I kill a few more minutes making phone calls. I’m about to re-enter the shop and see what Jordy wants for lunch when the door opens and she comes out.

“You ready to go?”


“Didn’t want to get anything?”

With hesitant hands, she tugs down her shirt and shows me the bandage made of white gauze and tape above her left breast. She got something to cover up the mass of scars on her heart.

“Very good, Kit.” I hide my disappointment that I didn’t get to see it. If she wants to share, she’ll share. Not my place to know, or ask. “Vamos.”


Grizz and I spend the day together, doing whatever we want. After a quick stop to get tacos, I tell Grizz I love his bike and he takes me on a long, meandering drive around town. His Harley circles lazily up ‘A’ Mountain—the mountain with the giant white A for University of Arizona—and we eat at the overlook. Afterward, he takes me to a small park and we walk a trail through the cacti, holding hands like a couple. Dinner is at a diner, where Grizz shocks the waitress with the amount of food he plows through.

“Gotta fight tonight,” he tells me. “Need to fuel up.”

“Is that why you took it easy today? To get ready for the fight?”

“No.” He sets down his fork and cups my cheek. “I wanted to spend time with you.”

I can’t stop beaming at him. It’s stupid and inelegant. I should play hard to get. But whenever I’m with him, it’s like a light switches on. I grin and glow and feel all warm and toasty, like I’ve swallowed a sun.

“I like seeing you happy, Kit,” he tells me.

I am happy, I want to say. But only around you.

The closer we get to nightfall, the more serious he gets. His smile slips away, fading with the light. The last rays die behind the mountains, and he stands, throwing a hundred dollar bill down on the table between the empty plates.

“Time to go.”

I hold on tight as we ride to the industrial part of town. Behind us, two more motorcycles rip onto the road and flank us, catching up to us when we stop at a red light. Grizz stiffens in my arms, but he keeps his head straight. The light turns green, and he roars away, but the two bikes follow, growling angrily. By the time we’re at the turnoff to the Fight Club, more bikes have joined us.

“Who are they?” I ask when we’re stopped again at a light.

“Wolves. Tucson pack.”

I look back and one of the bikers salutes me. A big dude, as big as Grizz. He has the phases of the moon tattooed on his knuckles. They all do.

My own tattoo itches under its bandage. It didn’t hurt too bad. I called on my submissive training, breathing deep and surrendering to the needle. The worst part was the burn of vampire blood to set the ink. I wonder if the wolves know about the vampire blood, how it’s the quickest way to make a shifter scar. Stop shifter healing in its tracks.

We park and Grizz waits until I hop off to dismount. His hand covers my back as we walk to the Fight Club door. There are groups of shifters waiting, lots of bikers and gangbanger types. I almost trip when I recognize some of the cats who attacked Grizz.

“It’s all right,” he whispers and throws his arm around my shoulders. “We’re safe tonight. The wolves won’t let anyone touch me. Not until I’m in the ring.”

Sure enough, the biker wolves are following us. By the time we get to the door, they’ve completely surrounded us. I breathe deep and will my fox not to panic. She doesn’t like being surrounded by all these predators. I’d be more scared if I wasn’t with Grizz.


