Anarchist Season Two: Book 1-2 Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 41869 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 209(@200wpm)___ 167(@250wpm)___ 140(@300wpm)

As much as I love knowing that she still has trouble taking me after all these weeks, as much as I enjoy her tight little pussy wrapped around my cock like a too tight glove, I enjoyed the deep fucking she took last night. That pussy took a pounding and came back for more for the better part of the night into the wee hours of the morning. There had been no pussy-hurt noises and no ‘please Lawton, take it out.’

Instead she’d egged me on to fuck her harder, go deeper. She’d sat on my cock until her ass touched my groin, something she’d hardly been able to do before. Hopefully I’d opened her up a little because my dick liked the feeling of being balls deep inside her tight little pussy.

I’d been working on ways to fuck her hole wider without hurting her too much, and with the added benefit of the alcohol she’d consumed I was able to make some serious leeway. She even let me into her ass without complaint, bonus. I let her use me to get off until the alcohol finally wore off and she crashed with her pussy full of my dick. Thank fuck I was already fucked dry and was just letting her use me for her last go round or I’d have fucked her in her sleep.

Then I rolled over about an hour ago and fucked the shit out of her again. That ought to keep her little ass quiet until noon at the very least. I’d be surprised if she could walk let alone get into shit around here today. After a night like the one we just had, she’d need to recuperate. Maybe I should’ve fucked her throat raw. That would’ve kept her from screeching shit at me for the next couple of days.

“Hey boss today’s the holiday the guys are planning a BBQ and the sheep are gonna make some shit, we’ll make a day of it.” Chaz came sidling up like he’d been waiting in the wings or some shit.

“It’s the what?” Where the fuck had the time gone? I could now see what it was the men had been so busy with and sure enough they were setting up the dozen or so half barrels my family used to use for barbecuing.

“The holidays. Kyle thought it would be a good idea to let the guys unwind a little now that things have quieted down a bit. We slaughtered a few calves and the women have been cooking up a storm all morning.”

I didn’t pay too much attention to the rest of what he said; if I had I could’ve avoided the fucking headache that was waiting for my ass.

“Sounds good, where’s my brother by the way?” Another pain in the ass! He seems to forget that I’m the older of the two and thinks he has to look out for me.

“He was just around here somewhere but then he and Travis disappeared.” He was acting way too twitchy all of a sudden.

“Something you want to tell me Chaz? And think carefully before you answer that.”

“Nope. Gotta go, the sheep sent me after the ice.” Oh yeah they were definitely up to some shit. “If my brother gets hurt I’m gonna fuck some shit up. You have any reason to believe that I might have to do that?”

“Can’t say that I do boss, we’re just having a party.”

I let him leave because whatever they were up to they didn’t fear my wrath so it couldn’t be that bad. I headed back to the clubhouse to finish what I’d started the day before. Hopefully with all the festivities people would leave me the fuck alone and I could get some work done. Good thing the military had taught me to command because everyone around here acted like they couldn’t have a thought without me okaying it first.




Oh sweet glory do I ache. The sun peeped through the new curtains I’d made for the windows and I squinted my eyes open as I reached for him. My hand met empty space as my eyes finally opened fully. His pillow still held the warmth from his head and as I buried my face in it his scent still clung to the soft cotton.

I smiled and squeezed the pillow as happiness flooded me. A few months ago I never thought I would ever be happy again. My life was a bleak empty void with nothing but marriage to a man old enough to be my grandfather to look forward to. But my Lawton had saved me and now my life had taken a complete turn. I’m one lucky girl and I know it.

If not for Lawton there’s no telling what would’ve become of me. I’d defied my dad until he’d beaten me almost to death, but I still wouldn’t give into marrying Royce, the man was repulsive. The day I’d ended up here was the day my old life ended and this one begun. Broken and bruised as I was, I remember my first sight of him. Remember the way my heart had tripped all over itself.


