Anarchist Season Two: Book 1-2 Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 46
Estimated words: 41869 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 209(@200wpm)___ 167(@250wpm)___ 140(@300wpm)

“Well fuck, we’ve got to head back.”

“Not today Lo. We promised these girls a good holiday away from the bullshit and this is baby Zak’s first Xmas and that fuck don’t get to mess with that fuck no.”

“Ty what is it with you and that kid?”

“What do you mean?” Ty looked at Lyon like he was nuts.

“Nothing, nothing at all.”

“Right, let’s go salvage what we can of the rest of the day before these women revolt.” I can’t imagine the hell my wife would tear if I told her we came here only to head back.

In the end we had a good time. When the boys and I weren’t having secret meetings we were making our women happy. We only had to take them to task once when we overheard them talking about shit they shouldn’t know about.

Dana Sue was even bolder now that she had new recruits for her crew. They basically told us that they weren’t putting up with our silence anymore and we had a battle on our hands.

By the time we left the women had bonded so now we had four sets to worry about containing instead of one each. The SEALs seemed to think they could control their women but from what I saw I wasn’t so sure.

We left and headed for home in a much lighter mood so I was in no way ready to deal with finding the asshole sheriff at my gate.

“What the fuck does this hump want now? I thought I told you to stay the fuck off my property.” I hopped off my ride and walked over to put my face in his. He had brought three cars with him, what the fuck?

The short fuck squared his shoulders and gave me a look that I did not like one bit. This was probably about the raid a few months ago but why now?

“Well boy, now I have your ass dead to rights.”

“Oh yeah how’s that?”

“We found the bodies.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Out the corner of my eye I saw my brother fidget and shit became clear. This fucker, I’ll deal with him later for now I had to get this corrupt fuck out my face before I put one in his head.

“Well now, are you going to stand here and tell me you didn’t kill those men we found back there in the woods? We found your name and information on one of the men. They all had shots to the head, that’s your specialty isn’t it? The way you murdered Royce?” The asshole grinned like he had me.

“I’ma give you ten seconds to get the fuck outta my face before I pop you. If you want to arrest me you’re gonna have to do better than finding my name on someone. Who the fuck is it that I’m supposed to have killed anyway?”

He rattled off three names and I was pretty sure they were the three boys who’d come here to do me in. I laughed in his face and signaled for my men who had been keeping him out to open the gate.

“If I were you, I’d stay the fuck away from me. Now unless you have a warrant get the fuck gone. I won’t warn you again, you come near me or my place again…as a matter of fact.” I pulled my piece and they started to scatter. I’m guessing that’s because my boys had drawn down on them too.

“You’ll pay for this boy. I’ll have you brought up on charges. Threatening an official of the law.” He said all this from behind the safety of the car door.

“Oh yeah try it. Then we’ll see how well you do when the spotlight’s on your ass. I know all your dirty little secrets you fuck. You come after me again I’ll bury. Wait your turn, I have other assholes to deal with but I’ll get to you soon enough.”

His eyes flew to Brandon and Clay who once worked for him. Sheriff or no I knew he had something to do with hiding up the murder of my family, fuck him. “Now go.” I shot over his head to get him moving.

“Dana Sue get inside.” I didn’t take my eyes off the patrol cars as they stirred up the dust in their haste to disappear.

“Lawton where are you going? What are you going to do?”

“Come here baby.” I held her close and whispered reassurances in her ear until she calmed down. Fuck I’d forgotten she was here. I always try not to let her see this side of me.

“Chaz take the women inside.” I waited until they were gone before turning to the four men that had my back. “Something you want to tell me?” I looked at Kyle and the fucker looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.


