Asher (Billionaire’s Game #1) Read Online Samantha Whiskey

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Billionaire's Game Series by Samantha Whiskey

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 77046 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 385(@200wpm)___ 308(@250wpm)___ 257(@300wpm)

We made our way up to the cashier, and I presented my card.

“I can afford to buy my own books, you know,” Daisy said, bumping my hip with hers.

“It makes me happy to make you happy,” I countered, paying for the stack. “Besides, I’m the one who crashed your book-buying time.”

“I’m just happy you called.” She leaned up and brushed a soft kiss across my lips.

Fuck, I loved this woman. That right there was the reason I’d called her forty minutes ago and asked where she was. My day at work had gone to shit, and I’d known that just a couple of minutes with her would set my world to rights.

The attendant bagged the books, and we headed back out into the sunshine, holding hands.

“Oh my God, Asher Silas, is that you?”

Daisy and I turned on the sidewalk, and I blinked. “Caroline?” Holy shit, that was my ex standing in front of us, dressed head to toe in a couture suit I only recognized because it was Bristol McClaren’s brand.

“It is you!” Caroline lifted her Chanel sunglasses to the top of her head and gave me the practiced, polished smile I hadn’t really missed. She leaned in for a hug, and I was forced to drop Daisy’s hand to give her a quick, polite squeeze, since I had the books in my other hand.

“Daisy, love, this is Caroline Woodsinger,” I introduced the two. “We dated a few years ago. Caroline, this is my girlfriend, Daisy Lewis.”

Caroline’s gaze swept down Daisy’s figure, lingering on her curls, her hoodie that proclaimed she was a reader, and her black yoga pants before offering her hand. “It’s…lovely to meet you.”

“You, too.” Daisy shook her hand, offering her a genuine smile. Damn, my girl was classy.

“I’m so surprised to see you out of the office in the middle of the day!” Caroline wrinkled her nose toward Daisy. “Usually this one is behind his desk from the time the sun comes up until it goes down.”

“Oh, I know,” Daisy countered, and I laced my fingers through hers. “I’m trying to get him to loosen up a bit.”

Caroline blinked. “Asher? Loosen up?” She laughed. “That would be something to see.”

“What are you doing in Charleston?” I asked her, more than ready for this exchange to be over. I only had a few more minutes before I was needed back in the office and I wanted to spend them alone with Daisy.

“Oh, I had a meeting with Bristol McClaren. You know she moved her company all the way down here to Charleston? It’s ridiculously inconvenient, but her designs are worth it. We’re trying to get her line into one of our retailers.”

“She’s married to one of my players,” I said. “As far as I know, they’re both very happy down here, though Cross is always trying to get Briggs back to Calgary.”

“Ugh, you boys and your hockey teams,” she teased. “Tell me, you’re coming up to New York over Christmas, right? I know you’ve had a hand in that new exhibit at the Met.”

“If it fits with my schedule.” It wasn’t going to.

“Naturally! Well, let me know when you’re in town. We finally secured the new office space for the company and I’d love to have you swing by and give me your opinion on a few mergers we’re toying with.”

“Happy to,” I said with a forced smile.

“Nice to meet you,” she said to Daisy, then leaned up and kissed my cheek. “Always a pleasure, Asher.”

She continued down the sidewalk, toward where I knew Bristol had built her headquarters, and I walked Daisy to her car.

“You dated her?” Daisy’s eyebrows rose as she hit the unlock button, taking the bag of books from me.

“I did, for about six weeks.”

She put the bag in the passenger seat of her car, then closed the door, leaning back against it. “She’s very…put together.”

“She is.” I shrugged and moved in, bracing my weight on the frame of the car and caging her between my arms.

“She’s so…different from me.” Worry creased her brow. “I mean, if I’d known you were going to call, I would have thrown on one of those dresses that drives you wild—”

I kissed her quiet, sinking into her mouth with a deft stroke of my tongue. My pulse leapt just like it did every time I got my mouth on her. “I fucking love your ass in yoga pants,” I assured her. “And wait, you know those little retro dresses make me crazy?”

She smiled, slow and sexy. “Oh yeah. I may have bought out every retro shop within fifty miles to be sure I kept your attention.” Her fingers trailed the lapels of my suit, then wrapped around my tie.

“You have my total, complete attention.” I ignored the buzzing of my phone and stole another kiss, taking my time as I pressed my body against hers. So soft, she was so damned soft, and fit against me like she’d been made for that exact reason.


