Bad Apple Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saints MC, #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

“How’d you hear that already?” I asked.

The bust had only happened this morning. Or what he was referring to as a bust.

It was more like I caught two trappers being dumbasses, trying to kill alligators without having the proper licensing.

“They had four dead gators in the back of their flat bottom. Shit like that seems to spread fast in a town like this,” Ridley added his two cents.

“Fuck yeah,” I sighed in exhaustion.

I’d stayed up late into the night talking to Kitt, and I’d had to be at work at six this morning.

Staying up late was not conducive with a job that required you to get there early and stay late.

“You should’ve heard this shit going over the police scanner,” Wolf chuckled. “I couldn’t tell whether you got a live alligator or not.”

“Oh, one of them was alive,” I mumbled. “Had to go fucking release it, too. Couldn’t do it at the boat dock, meaning I had to take it, fucking alive, about ten miles downstream.”

Wolf chuckled and I nodded to the waitress that brought me another drink.

“You coming to the party tonight?” Ridley asked, taking a bite of his pie that the waitress had set down in front of him when I’d gotten my refill.

“Have a fucking press conference this afternoon,” I mumbled tiredly. “I’ll see what it’s looking like timewise once I’m done with it.”

“Kitt’s going,” Ridley said experimentally.

I snorted.

“I know. It’s a fucking baby shower for our kid,” I shot back. “Why wouldn’t I know?”

He shrugged.

“I thought you were trying to keep it secret that you spent the night with her, that’s all,” he said lightly.

I turned only my head in his direction.

“How do you know that I was spending time with her?” I mumbled.

“Because I saw her sneak out of her room last night, then I followed her to your place,” he said lightly.

I sighed.

“She thinks she covered the camera. She didn’t find all the cameras, did she?” I asked carefully.

He shook his head.

“Put two in there,” he said.

“She’s going to fucking kill you.”

“She’ll never figure it out,” he shot back.

I rolled my eyes.

She would be finding out, especially after I told her

“Can you take Kitt to her doctor’s appointment tomorrow?” I asked Ridley, getting off the subject of those cameras.

“No,” he said. “I have to be in court at eleven, and I’m short two deputies.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

As much as I hated to do it, I’d have to ask him to ask Capone.

“You’ll have to ask Capone,” I said stiffly.

Corey Capone was one of the deputies that worked with Ridley, and the man that’d been in the car the day I’d gone to see her at the hospital that first time.

Overall, I supposed he was a nice guy.

But I didn’t need a nice guy around Kitt.

I already had my work cut out for me with her.

I’d done a lot of soul searching over these last few months.

I’d also spent quite a bit of time reflecting on my life, as well as seeing a man about my fucked up head.

And what I’d found, I didn’t like.

“So you are coming?” Wolf asked.

I nodded. “I’m coming. Even if I fall asleep during it.”


Five hours later, and one hour late, I parked my bike outside the clubhouse.

The bottom half of my clothes were wet, my balls were chafing against the inside of my wet underwear, and I was in a shit mood.

But I was here.

My feet were dragging, mostly because they were tired, but also quite possibly due to the fact that my boots were waterlogged.

“You’re late,” Peek stated the obvious, his accent thicker than usual.

I looked up and felt my neck pop.

My shoulder ached like a bitch, and I winced.

“I had a mishap,” I admitted, gesturing to my wet clothes.

Peek snorted.

“You want to change your clothes?” He asked.

I nodded.

“Yeah,” I rumbled. “I’m goin’ around back.”

Peek took a drag of his cigarette and nodded, watching me as I walked around the side of the house.

Once I hit the back deck steps, I took them one at a time.

My eyes stayed on the wooden beam beneath my feet and not where I was going, which was why I didn’t see her until I was less than a few inches from her.

“Hey, Mary,” I said, shifting so I could move around her.

Mary’s hand touched my cheek.

“You look tired,” she said in that sultry tone she liked to use on any man she thought she could get something from.

I jerked my face out of her hand and pushed around her, causing her to move or fall.

She moved.

“What’s gotten into you, darlin’?” She asked.

I ignored her and headed to the back door, wincing when the sound of the ladies laughing pierced through my frontal lobe and lodged somewhere in my brainstem.

This headache, paired with the fact that I had less than two hours of sleep, combined with the fact that I now had to go to a party with a bunch of giggling women put me in one hell of a bad mood.


