Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

Sleds. She might not live the life, but she sure knew the language.

She must have a vast vocabulary between being around her two sons and her biker father.

She smiled. “Have a great night, Officer Lennox. See you next week.”

The way she purred that made his dick jump in his jeans. “You too, Ms. James. And I might not be here next week.” Not if he could find another group within an hour’s drive.

“Uh huh. See you next week.” She gave him a little salute and headed back to her expensive car.

One she left running and unlocked in the dark parking lot. Good thing Shadow Valley wasn’t a crime-ridden town.

He shook his head and waited for her to leave.

Once her taillights disappeared in the distance, he remained there staring in that direction for a few more moments, going over the evening in his head from all her pointed questions during group, to the kisses they shared.

The woman would be perfect if…

If he was looking.

He wasn’t.

Chapter Eleven

His commute to work was short and sweet. Only one flight of stairs stood between his apartment and the task force’s office space.

The feds leasing the top floor of The Plant from the Blue Avengers had fattened the club’s coffers. The monthly payments weren’t a huge windfall but certainly helped keep the lights on and prevented the BAMC treasurer, Mike Miller, from jacking up the members’ dues.

Once the DEA shut down the task force, they’d be back to doing a bunch of fundraisers and trying to recruit more members to help fund their clubhouse.

Nox punched in the security code and as soon as he heard the lock release, he walked in to find that quite a few of the task force members had already arrived for the meeting.

Today’s meeting should be a pivotal one. They were nearing the end of their investigation and had gathered enough evidence between the three task force groups to get indictments on the Deadly Demons MC. The Tri State Federal Drug Task Force group leaders, including Crew, had submitted their damning reports to the Assistant US Attorney.

He was sure Crew would be giving them an update on where the investigation was heading next.

“Hard Nox!” Rez called out.

“How the fuck are you here before me?” Usually, his BAMC brother sauntered in at the last minute.

Rez shrugged. “Guess you’re a slacker.”

With a shake of his head, Nox dropped the container of chocolate chip cookies in the center of the conference table next to a ravaged box of donuts. Not much remained except for powdered sugar residue, chocolate smears and crumbs.

He tucked the last cruller between his teeth and headed over to the coffeemaker for some much-needed black gold.

Thank fuck someone had made a pot of coffee, even though the full carafe would be kicked soon enough. The whole team drank it like it was crack.

As Nox filled his mug, Torres asked, “What’s in the container?”

He glanced over to see some of the guys already crowding around the cookies.

Rez leaned in to inspect the contents. “What is it?”

“Is it food?” asked Crew.

“Chocolate chip cookies.” It was hard to understand Torres since he had already shoved a whole cookie into his mouth. Once he swallowed, the plant manager exclaimed, “Damn, these are the bomb! You make these?”

“Have I ever baked for you fuckers before?” Nox asked around a mouthful of the sweet, airy donut.

Torres shrugged. “You could’ve found a new hobby, asshole. How the fuck would I know? It’s not like you share a lot.”

The “share” comment had him thinking about Aaliyah.

And he was trying not to think about her.

It was a losing battle.

He hadn’t thought about anyone else since the other night at the community center. Hell, he hadn’t thought about much of anything else, either.

The woman had somehow embedded herself in his brain.

He had told her that he wasn’t going back to her group.

But he already knew that was a lie.

He’d be going back.

He shook himself mentally to return to the conversation happening around him. That was when he realized the herd of hungry, hungry hippos circling the table had emptied the container within seconds.

He hadn’t eaten one damn cookie since he didn’t need another reason to be attracted to the woman who baked them. “Jesus. I swear you’re all feral. Don’t any of your significant others feed you?”

“Are you saying it’s a woman’s job to feed her man?” Cabrera asked, taking a bite of a cookie.

He glanced over at their newest task force member. “Is that what you heard?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I heard. If you’re unaware of this fact, men are perfectly capable of cooking and/or feeding themselves.”

He jerked his chin toward the table. “Not those men, obviously.”

Cabrera grinned. “You might have a point.”

“Look, you dropped a container of homemade cookies on the table and now you’re complaining that we’re eating them?” Crew asked. “Wasn’t that the point of putting them on the table?”


