Boss Obsession – A Possessive Man Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Kink Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 27090 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 135(@200wpm)___ 108(@250wpm)___ 90(@300wpm)

“What about the police or your mother? Did you tell them?”

“I told the campus police and my counselor, but they said that if he hadn’t harassed me or threatened me, there wasn’t anything they could do. I think they thought I was just being paranoid. He has a very good reputation.”

“Well, if I had been there, I would have handled that for you.”

“I have no doubt you would.”

“Why is that?”

“I saw and heard what happened with your client yesterday.”

“Did you? And how did that make you feel?”

“Honestly? It was very flattering. Nobody has ever stuck up for me like that before.”

“You’re a very special girl, Beth. Don’t ever believe anything different.” I take her hand and hold it as we continue our walk back to the car. It feels so natural like an extension of me that’s been missing.

“Did you want to do something after work tonight or do you have plans?”

Surprised, I ask, “Sure, kid. What did you have in mind?”

“What if we go to your place and I make dinner for us? We can veg out and watch a movie or something.”

Jesus, I’m trying my best to take things slow with her, but a night like that is gonna really test my will. I don’t know if I can have her that close to my bed without trying to get her in it.

“Are you sure that’s what you want to do? We can go see a movie if you want.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. You’ve bought me three meals already. I may not be able to take you out to dinner, but I do know how to cook. Let me do this for you, please?”

I just can’t bring myself to say no to her, so I agree with her plan.

“You can follow me home after work, then. When we get back to the office, you can put a grocery list together for me. I’ll call it in and have it delivered so you have everything that you need.”

“Great.” She smiles from ear to ear.

“I like that.”


“Making you smile.”

Time stands still for the remainder of the day. If I didn’t have a meeting after lunch, I might have just called it early and taken Beth home with me. At five, Beth pokes her head into my office and asks, “What time are we getting off today, boss?”

“Hmm, you know what? I’ve been thinking about that home-cooked meal you’re gonna make me all afternoon. Why don’t we go now?”

Her face lights up and she claps her hands together. “Okay, great. I’m so excited.”

“I was thinking, we’re going to be leaving at rush hour. I don’t know if you’re ready for that kind of traffic. Maybe you should leave the car here and ride with me.”

“Okay. I was a little worried about driving home in the dark anyway. Since it’ll be my first time coming to your place, I might get lost trying to get home.”

“Then it’s settled. Grab your things and let’s get out of here.”

The traffic is terrible just as I expected and we spend more time standing still than actually moving. Beth looks up at the skyscrapers and asks, “Can you imagine building something like that? It seems unreal.”

“I don’t even notice them anymore. Is that bad?”

“Well, I guess I’ll get used to them too after a while. Did it take you long since you came from a small town?”

I take a moment to think about the question. “I was practically born knowing what I wanted in life. Coming to the city was just a step in achieving my goals. I didn’t think about things like the size of the buildings, the nightlife, or the culture. The city is a tool I use to grow wealth.”

“That’s sad,” she mutters and I want to convince her she has it all wrong, but that can wait until later. I don’t want to start our evening together with a potential misunderstanding.

“How could you not think about the size of the buildings when you live in this place?” she asks as I pull the SUV into the underground lot.

I smile at her and concede. “Yes, this is a tall building. I can’t believe we’re still talking about this.”

I slide my key into the slot by the elevator and take her hand in mine while we wait for the car to come down.

“I got a message from the courier. The groceries are waiting for us upstairs,” I tell her.

“Wait, if you need a key for the elevator, then how did the groceries get upstairs?”

“There’s a manned security desk at the front entrance. I told them to let him up.”

“Sounds a lot more complicated than just going to the store yourself.”

“Maybe, but I don’t have time for those types of things.”

We arrive on the top floor and exit the elevator to find the three brown grocery bags propped against my door. I unlock the door for her and grab the bags in my arms. Beth stares out the wall of windows at the city as I unload the groceries on the counter.


