Breathless Read online Cara Dee (The Game #3)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Game Series Series by Cara Dee

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 81518 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 408(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

I blew out a breath and scrubbed my hands over my face.

I felt like a fucking child. River had made it clear to me that everything that’d happened since I’d arrived here had been genuine. They’d been open about their intentions and honest about how they thought we clicked well. Reese had mentioned a kink relationship more than once.

Me, on the other hand? I’d come willingly while pretending to be kicking and screaming. I’d protested against what I wanted so goddamn badly. I’d claimed not to want anything with them that went beyond this week, at the same time as I’d dived headfirst into the middle spot of their bed.

I’d contradicted myself the whole motherfucking time I’d been here.


I swallowed and reached for the shopping bag Reese had left on the dresser by their bed earlier. I’d moved it to the single bed, as my juvenile statement of not spending another night between two Tenleys.

I found two pairs of sweatpants, similar to the ones Reese had several of, except these were a couple sizes smaller.

They fit.

As I stood there and tightened the drawstrings, I contemplated checking out the two T-shirts he’d picked up too, but it was still hot outside. I did open the big container of lollipops, though. I stuck a Coke-flavored one into my mouth, then drew the sweats up past my calves before I pushed down my nerves and descended the stairs.

Reese and River had lied to me. They’d schemed and deceived—with good intentions. Then they’d come clean and apologized for the hurt they’d caused, even though it’d been followed by a firm, brief declaration that they had no regrets. They’d do it again.

I had lied too, without any intentions whatsoever. Well, beyond me getting punished. But I hadn’t apologized yet, nor had I explained myself.

I’d do it tomorrow. Tonight I needed to reconnect.

I skipped shoes altogether and left the cabin.

River must’ve heard me closing the door over the music, because he glanced over immediately. Reese was in the middle of a conversation with Penelope. But given how freakishly attuned to each other the brothers were, all it took was a slight change in River’s posture for Reese to split his attention.

Some anxiousness crash-landed into my stomach as his gaze fell on me. Around the same time, I jumped up on the deck and shifted my lollipop to my cheek.

I didn’t have to put up a front with these men.

River, Reese, Penelope, and Tate sat in the group of low sofas and chairs near the barbecue area, and I aimed straight for the empty spot between the twins. The table was packed with beer bottles, snacks, and a stack of plates left from dinner. And whiskey.

The conversation idled further when I squeezed by River’s legs and slumped down between him and Reese.

“Couldn’t sleep?” River murmured.

I shook my head and knew I had to make some form of a gesture for Reese to unclench. He’d kept his distance from me the whole day, and I’d hated it. He hadn’t been a fan of it either, thankfully. I’d seen him watch me apprehensively a few times, and it’d sort of hurt me. Like, it’d hurt me to know there was even the slightest possibility that he’d been in pain too.

It was more mellow between River and me, since we’d talked extensively at the diner.

Spotting a bottle cap from Reese’s beer on the table, I took out my lollipop and rested it on the cap. Then I nudged Reese against the backrest cushions and lifted his arm so I could get comfortable. And it was freeing. It felt so good, even more so when I sensed all the tension leaving his body. His strong arms came around me, and he pressed his mouth to the top of my head.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt,” I muttered. “You can keep talking. I’m just gonna sit here.”

“Actually, I need you closer.” Reese slipped his hands under my armpits and silently urged me to straddle him, so I hitched a leg over his lap and got settled. Better. So much better. I threw my arms around his shoulders and buried my face against his neck, and he squeezed me back so tightly.

This was what it felt like to be glued back together.

I swallowed a burst of emotions and ignored what Penelope was saying. Something polite about this being a good time to retire for the evening. Who even used the word “retire”?

“Let’s go, Tate. I’ll show you where you can sleep,” she finished.

“You’re not my Mommy,” he exclaimed, which made Penelope and River chuckle. Maybe it’d been a joke.

“Thank heavens,” Penelope teased.

I heard Tate snicker before the two said their goodnights and left.

Once we were alone—except for the couple in the pool—River shifted closer, and I broke the hug with Reese only to hug River too.


