Charlie Foxtrot Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Code 11-KPD SWAT #5)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Code 11-KPD SWAT Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 71090 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 355(@200wpm)___ 284(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

Sebastian didn’t say a word, only walking until we came to a stop at the passenger side door of my truck.

“How’d this happen?” I asked in a deceptively calm tone.

Inside, though, I was on fire.

My mind was reeling at the thought that I was wrong.

Earlier I’d thought that Blake had been safe. Yet, here I was being proven wrong.

“I don’t know, but you bet your ass I’ll find out,” Sebastian promised.

“You’re lucky you’re with the whore. Don’t you know it’s illegal to fuck in public?” Miller read.

I clenched my teeth.

“How’d you not see him do this?” Miller asked, walking around the truck.

“Is that…is that jizz?” Trace asked, shining the flashlight from his pocket onto the piece of paper.

“Fucking motherfucker,” I growled.


“He stuck his fucking note to my door with his own goddamn jizz?” I yelled, my arms waving wildly. “Pull your fucking tapes.”

Sebastian grunted and we followed him, but he stopped at the entrance to the clubhouse, speaking lowly with the prospect. “Get that note into a Ziplock bag from the kitchen. Use gloves. Then wash the truck off. Yeah?”

The prospect nodded. “Yeah.”

Twenty minutes later found us reviewing the tapes.

“That’s Manny’s brother,” Trance said, looking closer.

“Manny’s brother?” I asked.

Trance nodded. “Yeah. He’s a member’s brother. A prospect right now.”

“Go get him,” Sebastian said.

Trance left, and came back a minute later with a very confused looking Manny.

“What’s going on?” Manny asked.

“Your brother. Where is he?” Sebastian asked.

“He said he got called into work,” Manny explained.

“Where does he work?”

That’s when he rocked my fucking world.

“Kilgore Police Department.”

My mind blanked, and I knew instantly what I had to do.

“What’s his name?” I demanded shortly.

Manny blinked. “Quentin Ortiz.”

I closed my eyes, pissed off that I knew the fucker.

He worked in evidence.

“Who you calling?” Trance asked when I moved to withdraw my phone from my pocket.

I only said one word.


“And what’s he going to do?” Trance asked.

I laughed humorlessly. “Find him.”

Chapter 20

Snugglefuck- a type of foreplay that begins with snuggling, but transforms to sex after the snuggling faze is over.

-Word of the day


I knew as soon as Foster disappeared outside that something was wrong.

I also knew that the moment he showed back up inside that something was seriously wrong.

Then he’d disappeared into an office, and hadn’t come out since.

“Some party this is,” I muttered, seeing only the women left.

The men had disappeared slowly but surely, leaving only the women.

“This happens sometimes. They’re all busybodies,” Viddy explained. “They can’t stand to be left out of the action.”

A woman whom I’d just met named Baylee, laughed.

Baylee was apparently the sister of Luke, and the wife of the man who’d been the one to call Foster outside.

She was very pretty, and had a great personality.

I could see why someone would be attracted to her.

Hell. I was attracted to her.

Only in a friendly way, of course.

“Well, I guess I should get used to it, eh? I still get kind of freaked when he catches a SWAT call, though. My daddy’s a cop, too. However, he never gets called out like Foster does,” I explained.

“Who’s your dad?” Baylee asked. “I actually work for the Kilgore Fire Department. I’m just wondering if I’ve seen him around anywhere.”

I smiled at her. “He’s a state trooper. His name is Lou Rhodes.”

She looked at me oddly. “Is he the one that saved that little baby from being kidnapped two years ago?”

I smiled fondly at the memory. “Yeah, that’s him. The baby’s three now, and the sweetest thing ever. He actually lives just down the street from my father.”

“What happened?” Mercy asked.

I leaned back in my chair and relayed the events that had led up to the kidnapping.

“The parents were young. Maybe sixteen and seventeen, at most,” I said, taking a sip of my coke before continuing. “They’d been swinging the child on the swing when there’d been a commotion in the parking lot. Some kid had ran out in front of a car, and the car swerved, hitting the bathroom that was set up for the kids. Anyway, while the parents moved to see what was going on, a man had come out from behind the slide and had taken the child when they weren’t looking, taking off with him into the woods.”

They all nodded, captivated with my story of my father.

“Was your dad the hiker?” Baylee asked.

I nodded.

“Yeah, he was on my uncle’s land about ten miles from there. He’d been walking along the creek when he heard a baby crying and decided to follow the sound,” I explained. “He found the man trying to bury the kid alive. He knocked the man upside the head with a tree branch and rescued the child. They later found out that that wasn’t the man’s first time to do something like that. Apparently, it was his fifth. And that was where he’d buried those children he’d abducted.”

Baylee’s mouth was open in surprise. “I don’t remember hearing anything about that part of it.”

I shrugged. “It wasn’t something they shared with anybody but the parents of the deceased. It was on military property. Something my father got a fine for trespassing on. Which he later got a commendation for by his department.”

“Wow!” Viddy exclaimed. “That’s pretty amazing. What a relief to have an end for those parent’s, too.”

I nodded. “He was pretty shaken up about that. I don’t think he’s gotten over it two years later, either.”

Just as Viddy was about to reply, she squeaked and launched herself from the booth. “Shit, Kosher. You scared the fuck out of me.”

Surprised, I looked at her for a few long seconds before bending down to peer under the table.

That’s when I came nose to snout with a very large dog.

“Oh, he’s freakin’ beautiful,” I whispered, pulling a fry off my plate and offering the dog some food.

“Don’t feed him. He’ll get fat,” an amused male voice said in front of me.


God, his eyes!

They were freaking beautiful. One blue, and one green.

He was handsome, of course, but his eyes were what made all the difference.

I could see why he was named Trance by the MC. Something Foster had told me during the various discussions we’d had about his family.


