Courage Runs Deep – Tungsten Protective Services Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 45135 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 226(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 150(@300wpm)

It didn’t matter, he knew those curves anywhere. He opened the door before she could even press the doorbell and waited for her to enter. Watching her remove that helmet was like a slow motion porno for him. The way her natural curls fell free, springing around her face, the way her full lips were parted and glossy as she watched him with those killer eyes.

Unlike when they were on base, she stepped forward to meet his approach. He couldn’t get enough of her. She wore black pants that should be against the law of man for how it made him respond.

The helmet clunked to the floor as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed up to smash their mouths together. Gripping her waist, he anchored her to him, matching her aggression with his own.

He didn’t want to but he backed off, trying not to smirk over the frustration in her own eyes as they overflowed with hunger. For him.

“We have to talk.”

She went to work on her shirt, yanking it up and out from where it was tucked into her pants then tearing it off over her head. In response, his cock thumped against his zipper. As her top fluttered to the floor, she inched closer.

“Is he here?”

He shook his head, not following. “Who?”

“Your brother. I just decided before I strip all the way down, I should find out if he is here or not, because if he is, we need to go somewhere else.”

“He’s not here,” he growled, reaching for her once more.

“Off,” she mumbled into his mouth, tugging on his shirt.

He complied without much hesitation, backing off just enough to remove the cotton then they were pressed together again. Clothes fell, things got knocked over and just as they stumbled into his bedroom, he lifted her and pushed home with one fierce thrust.

“Davin,” she cried to the room, her body clenching around him, coating him with her cream.

Best. Talk. Ever.

Chapter 8

One light was on in the house and they lay chest to chest on his couch. Neha wore one of his shirts and it covered her down to mid-thigh. An afternoon storm had rolled in bringing with it, cooler temperatures.

She was perfectly content right here and now. But she also wasn’t a dreamer and knew it couldn’t last. He stared at her in the low lighting. Those blue eyes of his waiting for her to continue, showing nothing but endless patience.

“My brother has always been into the easy cash life. He never wanted to work for anything and where we grew up, running drugs was a fast way to make bank.”

His fingers flexed on her hip but he didn’t speak. They slid down to her outer thigh and back up, teasing her with soft glancing brushes of his skin. He made her feel important and worthwhile.

“My parents didn’t stop him, in fact they encouraged it. After all when he brought in money they had access to it. I didn’t like it, wanted no part in it. I met a man who put me on the path I’m on now, he saw something in me that at the time, I couldn’t even see myself. Until him.”

Davin tensed and she thought he might be a bit jealous. It warmed her. But she didn’t dwell on it.

“When I began to make something of myself and put in to be one of the first women on a sub, my parents viewed it as a meal ticket. For them. They loved the press and the attention. It’s when they gave the acting job of their lives, pretending they gave a damn. That’s why I wanted to come out here. Get far away from them, they wouldn’t leave their comfortable haunting grounds. It’s not in them. However, he did come out here. My brother is a master at havoc. He creates the shitstorm and then hides, waiting for the fury to settle.”

His long, strong fingers were nothing but gentle as he touched her, stroked her skin, petted her. She loved it and wanted more. Even so, she couldn’t find it in her to move. There was something so personal, so intimate about the way they were cuddled right now, it was an experience she needed to hold onto longer, so she could pull it up while under the water.

“So he’s here then?”

“Yes.” She blinked a few times as she thought about it. “I guess. I don’t know. I’m not sure. He showed up at my place and I sent him on his way. Didn’t give him any thought after that fact.”

“Why not?”

The question wasn’t accusatory just curious.

She found a way to slide closer to him still. Craving more of his heat to surround her, even though she was plenty warm as he put off incredible warmth and she had the back of the couch there against her spine.


