Daughter of Deception (The Savage Heirs #2) Read Online Ruby Vincent

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Savage Heirs Series by Ruby Vincent

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 110550 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 553(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 369(@300wpm)

“This way,” Liam said.

We opened on a set of stairs, leading down into a basement. Stepping off the final step, I walked into the scene I was anticipating.

Three tall, imposing men gathered in a dim, windowless room. The place had nothing to say for itself other than cinder-block walls and a single locked cabinet. Between the men, handcuffed to a chair and grinning like an insufferable shit, was Vito.

“Oh, what’s this?” he crowed. “If it isn’t Sunny’s wife. Got away from Luca’s men, did ya? That’s good news. You wouldn’t have liked what their clients were going to do to that pus—”

One of Liam’s men punched Vito in the mouth without a flicker of expression. “You will not disrespect Miss Blaine.”

I started at a complete stranger knowing who I was. It shouldn’t have surprised me. I probably came up at some point when all the Merchants took off to New York to rescue me.

Liam released my hand. “Miss Blaine will take over questioning from here.” There was a lone chair against the opposite wall. Liam set it in front of Vito. “Leave us.”

His men didn’t question him, filing upstairs. My mouth went dry at the faint click of the lock.

“Mackenzie.” Liam motioned for me to sit. Lifting my chin, I did so, coming eye-level with that smirk. Liam moved behind Vito, and waited.

“Vito.” I was proud of my voice for not shaking.

“Mommy Mackenzie. How’s that kid of yours?” Something must’ve flashed across my face because his smile widened. “Just wondering. Sunny was so desperate to find you both. It’d be a shame if after shooting me through the leg and nearly killing me, it was all for nothing.”

“She’s just fine,” I said lightly. “Thank you for asking.”

Other than the bleeding mouth, there wasn’t a scratch on Vito. He was the same oily, handsome leech I underestimated that night outside the bar. Does he underestimate me? Is that why he’s smiling and making conversation like we’re here to shoot the shit?

“I’m sure you know why you’re here,” I began.

“Oh yes. You’re hoping I’ll give up information on the Brotherhood and what they’re planning.” Leaning over, he dropped to a whisper. “I won’t, by the way. Doesn’t matter what you say or do. Even if you flash me those tits. You won’t get a word out of me.” He sat up straight. “So give up now. Or show me those babies and try to change my mind. We’ll both see if it works.”

I waited patiently for him to shut up. “I’m not here to ask you for information on the Brotherhood, Vito. What’s the point? You don’t know anything.”

His grin twitched. “What?”

“Sunny shared a theory with me,” I said, crossing my legs. “The Brotherhood needs an army of people who hate the Merchants and want them gone, but their soldiers are no use unless they bring something to the table. Grant was a loan shark with valuable connections in the community. Snyder was a ruthless assassin. Luca had horror hideouts all over the city, connections in New York and Eastern Europe, plus he could get his hands on a jet.

“Compared to all these people, what do you have, Vito?” The words were falling out of my mouth so easily. “Spare a half a minute to think about it, and I realized you have nothing. No money, no gang, no jets, no stash houses. You have nothing to offer the Brotherhood besides a willingness to risk yourself for the cause. A guy like that you give a gun and put on the front lines. But you don’t tell him anything important.” I shook my head, my grin growing where his faded. “You don’t know a damn thing, Vito. I’d be shocked if you even know the name of the person in charge.”

Something flickered behind his eyes, too fast for me to decipher. “I see what you’re doing.” The joking tone vanished. “But it’s not going to work.”

I tipped my head. “What am I doing?”

“You’re trying to piss me off. Manipulate me into proving I know something by running my mouth.” He leaned back. “What else you got?”

Liam raised a brow over Vito’s head as if he was asking the same question.

“I wasn’t trying to trick you into anything. On principle, we won’t believe any information you voluntarily give up.” I shrugged. “That means even if you gave me the names of every brother and details on their next strike, you’d still be in for a long night to make sure your story doesn’t change under questioning.”

“I’m not afraid of you, bitch. Or you, Liam Hunt! You’re both pathetic. If the situations were reversed right now, I’d have smashed in that pretty mouth before you opened it.”

I went on like he hadn’t spoken. “But even though I’m certain this is a waste of time, we have to be sure. I can’t leave this room until you’ve either given me everything, or convinced me you know nothing.”


