Dear Ava Read online Ilsa Madden-Mills

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 103104 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 516(@200wpm)___ 412(@250wpm)___ 344(@300wpm)

He tucks a strand of hair over my ear. “Yeah, I get it. It’s Dane for me.”

“Catch them!” someone exclaims from the hallway.

“I’m allergic!” another girl yells.

“What the hell—” Knox says just as a white and black furry arm reaches under the door, claws extended as it pats around the floor.

“Holy cats! That is a cat, right?” I ask. “What on earth is going on out there?” Ludicrous statement, considering the mayhem.

He opens the door, and a small striped feline darts into the closet, gives us a scathing hiss, and then hides behind a mop bucket.

We lean past the door and peek out. People—and cats—are dashing everywhere.

I frown. “Why involve innocent animals? Geeze.”

Another water balloon hits me in the side of the head as we venture out. “Dammit!” I yell at whoever threw it, but they’re already running away.

“Ava! Knox! Follow me!” shouts a familiar voice. It’s Wyatt as he runs past, arms full of balloons.

We dodge people as we catch up with him, taking the stairwell. Girls and guys with water guns chase after us while Knox throws balloons at them, beating them back until they shut the door. Nice job, QB1.

We rush down to Wyatt’s floor and enter the hall, where I come to a halt, slipping a little on the water. Holy white hell. There are no cats, but a white powder coats the wet floor and walls. Flour?

The lights suddenly go out and I scream.

A tall frame pulls me close. “I got you,” Knox says. “Get on my back.”

I climb him like a monkey, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist. Well, at least I’m not thinking about the dark anymore. He runs down the hall, and I don’t even know how he can see except for the few windows at the end that allow a little bit of moonlight in.

“Where are we going?” I press my face into his neck, hoping he’s not aware that I’m totally smelling him.

“Wyatt’s. I figure he went to his room. I know the way.”

He fumbles around, opens a door, and darts inside, setting me down on my feet.

Sure enough, Wyatt is in the middle of the room, holding flashlights. He tosses one to Knox, who catches it. He laughs, looking at us before focusing on Knox. “Knox, didn’t know you did prank night.”

“Came as Ava’s backup. Didn’t think she’d like being surprised.”

“Yeah, it would have been nice if you’d told me.” I glare at Wyatt, and he grins and waggles his eyebrows.

“What’s the fun in that?”

“A friend would have, jerk,” I grumble.

He snorts. “I meant to but time got away from me at our baseball dinner.”

Uh-huh. Jagger.

The lights blink back on, and suddenly a Bluetooth speaker in Wyatt’s room explodes with a familiar tune by Rick Astley. It blares out in the hall as well.

“Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you…”

“Someone hacked all the speakers,” Knox says, shaking his head, his face incredulous. “This thing gets nuttier every year.”

“Seriously, is the entire building being rick-rolled?” I exclaim. “I’M IN HELL!” Wyatt and Knox start laughing, and I join them, saying, “It’s fun, okay, it is, but this song…it’s driving me bonkers.”

“Let’s get back out there,” Knox says with relish as he grabs a handful of balloons. He’s way too pumped for this, but I’m feeling it too—as long as he’s with me.

“One, two, three…” he yells and pulls the door open then we rush out.


The air horn blares again, and everyone in the hall freezes, wails of disappointment coming from every direction.

I look around. “What’s going on?”

“Prank night is over. I repeat, prank night is over,” is the announcement that comes over the loud speakers. It’s a female voice, probably Miss Henderson, the dorm mom. “Please grab a mop, broom, or stray cat and put the building back together. If everyone will return to their own floor, we’ll get this place back in shape. If you don’t return Arlington Hall to pristine condition, this will be the last prank night allowed and all underclassmen will blame you forever. And please, oh please, will whoever hacked everyone’s speakers turn off Rick Astley? I can’t even think with that on.”

“Dammit!” Wyatt says. “That wasn’t nearly long enough.”

We laugh, saying goodbye as we head back up the stairwell to my floor. Sure enough, Miss Henderson is standing there, her hair everywhere, out of its usual little bun. Even her shirt and jogging pants are soaked. She tilts her head toward a cage. “Put the cats in here. In the future, please don’t bring small animals.” Her voice is stern. “They could have been hurt, and I do not approve. In fact, I plan on writing up those involved. If you know who’s responsible, please let me know.” She picks up one of the smaller cats and rubs its head, giving us all side-eye. A few of the girls giggle and she glares at them. “I believe I counted six. I want them all rounded up and safe.”


