Deviant Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 44212 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 221(@200wpm)___ 177(@250wpm)___ 147(@300wpm)

“I’ll go order then. May I get you another? I see you didn’t get your muffin as yet, should I remedy that?” She shook her head and rubbed her tummy giving away the fact that she was nervous. I was amazed at myself as I walked away.

It’s been a while since I’ve had to turn on the charm to hide what I truly am. It felt almost like a game of cat and mouse and again I found myself fighting my conscience, which I didn’t even know I still had

All it took was the memory of my dad and what had been done to him to clear that shit from my mind though. And by the time I grabbed my coffee and headed back to her I was back on even ground.

We had what I call bullshit getting to know you conversation for the next ten minutes while I bided my time. I was well aware that I was working against the clock here, that the longer I hung around her the more I ran the risk of her father getting wind of it, so I had to turn up the heat.

I knew she had plans to go away in the next few days, and was going to use that as a blind to get her away from here without anyone being the wiser. But how the fuck do I talk a nineteen-year old virgin into coming home with me on such short notice?

It’s true, the women I usually fuck are more seasoned and not since my teens have I had this problem. But I’ve never met a pair of panties I couldn’t demolish once I put my mind to it and didn’t see why she should be any different.

The fact that she wasn’t completely brain dead and that under different circumstances I might have found her somewhat appealing didn’t change my mind about the shit I was about to do to her.

I couldn’t let it. I live by a certain creed. It’s nothing new, just an eye for an eye. And since her fuck of a dad had taken something, someone from me, there was no way I could live without paying that fuck back.

So I smiled and nodded and pretended an interest in her words as all the while I was plotting in my head. “Is school over for the semester?” I dropped that question in the middle of one of her diatribes, stopping her mid-sentence.

“It is yes, yesterday was the last day; why?” I kept my eyes on the wildly beating pulse in her throat. She could have no idea that I’d been sitting here studying her for the past half hour. That I knew at least three of her tells, or that she’d given herself away more than once.

I could almost smell her excitement, could see it written plainly on her face. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but my business here is done, I’m leaving tomorrow, but I find I don’t want this to be the last time we meet.”

She swallowed hard and tried to find refuge in the napkin she’d been busy tearing to shreds in her nervousness while we talked. “I…”

“I know it’s a strange request, but I want to see you again. If I didn’t have my business to get back to I’d stay here a little longer, but…”

I left that up to interpretation and watched her struggle with her own sense of self- preservation. See, I’m sure she knew it was wrong to take up with a man she’d only just met. But I’d spent the last half an hour putting on the charm, something I knew she was not sophisticated enough to withstand.

“Where do you live exactly? You never said.” I told her the name of the town, knowing that she’d recognize it immediately.

“You’re kidding, I grew up not too far from there.”

“Really?” I leaned in putting my arms on the table with a look of shocked surprise. “What are the odds? You see, that cinches it; we were destined to meet.” Yeah Damien, because you planned it, you fuck!



* * *

What am I doing? I can’t believe I’m doing this. This is so unlike me, but I can’t seem to help myself. I looked around the inside of his private jet as the captain announced take off in five minutes.

I’m still not sure how we got here, though I suspect it has something to do with me losing my mind. There’s no other explanation for me making the decision to go with him.

Except that the thought of not seeing him again had done something strange to me. When I thought of flying off to Europe in the next few days and not seeing him again, it had suddenly seemed like the most daunting thing.

So in a moment of sheer madness, when he’d tentatively posed the question, I’d said yes. Now I find myself sitting across from him on his luxury jet, trying to convince myself that someone as sophisticated as he is with all his wealth, couldn’t possibly be an axe murderer.


