Eden High Finale Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66099 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)

Of course I had a surprise lay over planned in Istanbul, who the fuck wants to sit on a plane that long? But I want my baby to see the sunrise over the Indian Ocean from the plane and for that, timing is everything.

It’s still one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen and I want to share it with her. If I can get her the hell out of here. Damn girl keeps ignoring me and my boys are no fucking help.

I walked over to where Sian and her girls were blabbing about dresses and hair and makeup and I was ready to shoot myself in the head. They were all hopped up on some shit but when I took her glass and took a sip it was just some kind of fancy juice. Lucky for her. She feed my kid champagne it would’ve been her ass.

People I didn’t know and some I did, kept coming up to me to congratulate me, half the time I almost asked, for what. I was married, but I didn’t have that just married feeling.

Especially when she kept sending me to get her something to eat. Nothing had changed at all if you ask me. She just got another ring to add to the one she’d been wearing for months. But other than that, not one fuck had changed. She was mine before we came through the door.

I could see why they were in no hurry to leave though. There were about a million candles or there about, which added a certain elegance, twice as many flowers, birds in gilded cages, and I guess the guests were told what to wear because everyone looked like they’d stepped out of a nineteen-forties movie.

That shit went right over my head, but the girls were eating it up. Mom had apparently bought out every florist in the known world and there was about ten thousand yards of silk draped over everything.

There was enough food to feed the US continental army and with all the big name stars and dignitaries, guess who everybody wanted to meet? My girl!

And the reason I married her? The reason I took one look at her and just knew. She hadn’t a damn clue. They wanted to meet her, she wanted no part of that shit. She was all about her girls and making sure they were having a good time.

Then she dragged me off to meet her friends from her hometown and I spent the next half an hour being ogled like a piece of meat. While trying to talk myself down from dropping this one kid on his head.

Fucker kept smiling at my girl with this big stupid look on his face. The fuck! The hills are about to hide one more body. Sian kept pinching my side each time I growled at the kid, like she didn’t know me.

I got her away by promising them a tour of the lots and they squealed and carried on, but not in a California way. This was more demure like, and I was reminded of what it was about her that had drawn me in.

They had that same earthy down home thing going on, but none of them could hold a candle to my girl. Though she still had that quality about her, she had a little something extra that makes her stand out.

Even here in a room full of actors, politicians and some of the wealthiest people in the world. Not to mention a few women who had been billed as the most beautiful. She was my one and only shining star.



* * *

I left her for two minutes to go check on something and came back to that damn kid teasing her ear with a flower or some fuck. I’d gone to stand with the guys since the girls were getting acquainted with her hometown crew and was just in time to see this shit.

“Who the fuck is that kid?” Jared turned to follow my gaze.

“Oh Sam, he used to be Sian’s boyfriend.”

“Her what?”

“Chill Jace they were five.”

“I give a fuck; excuse me.”

“Come with me.” I took her arm and led her away after scaring the fuck out of the kid with my glare. The little shit looked like he was going to shit himself. “Jace, behave.”

“What did I do?”

“You scared poor Sammy half to death.

“His name is Sam.” That Sammy shit sounded too much like an endearment to me. She opened her mouth to argue and I kissed her to shut her up. I was jealous at my own wedding and none too happy about it.

I kept her by my side the rest of the evening and noticed that though the other kids from her hometown came around, that Sam kid steered clear.

I took pity on him and asked him if he was having a good time a little while later, and felt like an ass when he turned out to be an okay guy, who happened to be in love with one of the other girls who was here this evening. I still didn’t leave him alone with my wife though.


