Fired Up Read Online Riley Hart (Fever Falls #1)

Categories Genre: Funny, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 85157 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

There was a twitch of jealousy in my chest, which was absolutely ridiculous. Beau wasn’t mine, and Lincoln was his best friend. I wasn’t even sure I ever planned to come out.

“I lied to myself…not before the kiss. I can’t even fucking believe I did that. It wasn’t something I’d ever considered…being attracted to men, but I knew I cared about you, and you were there…so fucking close. Your lips looked so damn good, and I had to know what you tasted like. I just did it. Jesus, it scared the shit out of me, Beau. I blamed you, hated myself, couldn’t imagine what I would do if anyone found out. How the fuck could I go to college a gay football player? That was the beginning of the denial.”

I closed my eyes because it was easier to continue that way. “Sometimes…I’d let my guard down…I’d look…I’d notice, fuck, I’d want, Campbell. God, I fucking wanted so badly—a guy at the gym or a guy at the grocery store. Someone at a club or in a class. Then I’d fucking hate myself for it, would think of my career and hate myself more. Would party hard, fuck more because I wasn’t gay if I was fucking women—oftentimes in pairs or more. But it didn’t go away.” I opened my eyes, ran a hand through my hair. “Fuck, I can’t believe I just said all that.”

“That right there was the most real you’ve ever been. Don’t hide from me, Ash.”

I nodded, feeling weak, raw. Like I was just bare bones and heart and Beau could see it all. I’d never been so stripped down in my life.

“Do you want me to go?” he asked.

“No.” What I wanted was to surrender to him, to myself. To let go of all the baggage, football, my fuckups, who I’d always wanted to be, and to just…see what happened. But I didn’t know if I could do that. “You gonna let me try and kiss you again, Campbell? I’ll do my best not to run this time.”

“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. I don’t want you to go too fast.”

“It’s been ten years. I’m not going too fast. And I’m also a whole hell of a lot better than I used to be. You’ll like it. I promise.”

He chuckled. “There’s not a doubt in my head that I’ll like it.”

“Don’t make me beg. I’m not sure my self-confidence can survive it.”

“I think your self-confidence can survive anything.”


“Shut up and kiss me, Ash.”

“If you insist.”


“Stop talking, or I can’t kiss you. I’m practically a virgin, and you’re stressing me out.”

He laughed again, and I felt his breath on my face, felt the heat of his body close to mine. “You’re impossible. I can’t dislike you even when I try. How am I supposed to handle you now?” There was no sarcastic tone to his voice, making me wonder how serious he was. If Beau really worried about what this kiss would mean for our friendship. It seemed as though it affected him in ways I didn’t understand.

“This is a lot of buildup for a kiss.” I’d slept with a lot of people in my life, a lot, but none of them made me tremble with anticipation the way the thought of kissing Beau did.

“I might fall asleep before you do it.”

“Ugh. Fine.” I leaned in, brushed my lips against his, felt a zap of electricity course through me. An exaggeration? Probably, but that was what it felt like.

His lips were soft, so fucking soft. Softer than I remembered, but when I leaned closer, kissed harder, I felt his stubble against my skin. The contrast of rough and silky did something to my body, made everything go haywire, like I was functioning on overdrive.

I let my tongue sneak out, trace Beau’s lips, sneak into his mouth, and he let me inside. He was holding back, allowing me to lead. I could feel it in his movements, in the tightness of his body, but as my tongue stroked his, he groaned, let out this guttural sound that made my dick hard and my brain soar. “Don’t hold back,” I told him as I kissed my way down his neck, rubbed my stubbled cheek against his. “Fuck, don’t hold back, Campbell.”

From there, I basically attacked him. Beau rolled to his back, opened his legs, and I settled between them. I tightened my hands in his hair, sucked his tongue, nibbled his lip. Beau’s large palms ran up and down my back, under my shirt, down to my ass. “This okay?” he asked.

This was fucking incredible. “Don’t stop,” I told him. As soon as the words left my mouth, he thrust against me, groin to groin, dick to dick, and fuck, who the hell knew that rubbing your cock against someone else’s felt so damn good? Even with our jeans between us, I felt like I was going to bust my load any second.


