Highland Oath (Highland Promise Trilogy #0.5) Read online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 30228 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 151(@200wpm)___ 121(@250wpm)___ 101(@300wpm)

Arran gave a good hard thrust, making sure Flora climaxed, only then did he pull out of her to spill his seed on the ground. He didn’t intend to sire any bastard children. He’d seen the fate of too many and he wouldn’t do that to his own child. Besides, he knew he wasn’t the only one who Flora was poking and if she got with child, he’d know he wasn’t the da.

He rolled off Flora onto his back, his breathing hard. The thought that Flora poked other men had him asking, “Does Bayne show you any favors, Flora?”

Flora turned on her side, picking some of the hay from the pile they rested in off her shoulder. “Funny you should ask that. The lassies and I were just talking about him. You would expect a virile man like him to be sniffing after the lassies, but he pays not a one of us a bit of attention.” She lowered her voice almost as though she was afraid to speak. “Honestly, the women aren’t interested in him. Ann is friends with one of the women in his clan and she told Ann that he’s as demanding and commanding in bed as he is out of it.” She smiled as she picked hay out of his hair. “Why do you ask, Arran? Are you jealous?”

Arran turned on his side to face her. “My dear Flora, we both know I’m not your only poking partner.”

She laughed. “I’m a hungry one, but you do please me more than the lot of them and you’re more considerate, making sure I’m satisfied. Most of them only care about their own needs. I’m guessing your interest in Bayne is because he’s proposed a union between him and Raven.” His raised brow had her smiling. “You wonder how I know. He was heard saying it to your da and news like that spreads fast. Besides, many of us got upset when Raven was spotted crying and running into the keep. She’s a fighter that lass, but she appeared truly shaken.”

Arran wanted to rush out of there, find his sister, and let her know there was no chance that their da would marry her off to Bayne. And he would as soon as he finished with Flora.

“It says something about a man when two fathers refuse him marriage to their daughters,” Flora said, sitting up and adjusting her garments.

Arran shot up beside her. “Bayne was denied a union with someone?”

Flora nodded. “Alynn, Chieftain Thurbane’s daughter.”

That news stirred Arran’s gut and he waited, knowing Flora’s tongue would keep going.

“From what I heard, it seems Chieftain Thurbane had plans or at least hope of wedding his daughter, Alynn, to Royden or you. And all know how Royden and Oria feel about each other, so I’d say he had his sights set on you.”

“He never approached my da.”

Flora shrugged. “Your da knows how you feel about marriage. Maybe he did talk with your da, but your da told him what he knew you would say.”

“I’m not ready for marriage yet,” Arran said what he had repeated to anyone who mentioned marriage to him.” He kissed Flora on the cheek. “I love you, Flora.”

She smiled and shook her head. “Be careful how easily you spill those words. One day you might mean it and no one will believe you.”

He kissed her cheek again. “Then know I love you like a dear friend and I cherish our friendship. And thanks for the sage advice.” He helped her to her feet.

“You’re a good man, Arran, and I cherish our friendship as well and I do hope that someday you say I love you to someone and mean it with all your heart.” She hurried to press her fingers to his lips to stop him from responding. “Never say never, Arran. Let fate hear my hope for you and respond wisely.”

Arran took hold of her hand and kissed her palm. “It’s in fate’s hands, but I also wish the same for you.”

“While I would argue that, I’ll leave your wish with fate as well,” she said. “Now be off with you and find your sister and comfort and reassure her that she has nothing to fear. She will never wed Bayne.”

After giving Flora a quick peck on the cheek he hurried out of the barn and spotted Royden walking toward the keep. He hurried his steps to catch up with him.

“Have you seen Raven?” Arran asked once beside him.

“No. Isn’t she in her bedchamber where Da ordered her to go and you were going to make sure she did?” Royden laughed and brushed hay off his brother’s shoulder. “Got sidetracked, did you?”

Arran shoved his brother’s hand away. “Flora told me Raven was seen crying.”

That stopped Royden dead. “She never cries.”

“So what made her cry?” Arran asked, his stomach stirring worse. “It can’t be about Bayne. Raven knows Da would never force her to wed the man.”


