Home For The Holidays Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 66177 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 331(@200wpm)___ 265(@250wpm)___ 221(@300wpm)

As Tessa got closer, I thought I was going to have to say something to her before long, but there was Sam, walking into the room with a look on her face that could only spell trouble. Oh boy! She took one look at Tessa, who was sitting on the same couch as I with one cushion between us and looking at me longingly.

I’m pretty sure my father-in-law noticed, but he wasn’t saying anything. Not after the raised brow look, he gave me, which I answered with a wink to let him know that I saw what he was seeing. He carried on with his storytelling, so I’m guessing he figured this was all part of the plan Samantha and I had. Not quite. We hadn’t discussed how to handle her trying to get close to me, something I had overlooked after the way things had ended between us. I thought for sure she’d steer clear.

Apparently, Tessa hadn’t seen Samantha come in, and her dad chose that moment to leave the room, leaving just Tessa and I alone there since Tom had left no doubt for another drink. “So, Jared, how have you been? You look amazing.” Her smile was nothing short of predatory; it made my skin crawl.

Before I could answer, my little hellion dropped down on the seat between us and turned a ferocious glare her way. “Slutty much. Isn’t wrecking one home enough for you, damn?”

“Must you always be such a bitch? And for your information, I didn’t wreck anything. Your saintly sister in law destroyed her marriage all by herself.”

“If that’s what you have to tell yourself to get through the night. Now scoot your ass somewhere else before I knock your lights out.”

“Are you that insecure? Just because he gave you a ring doesn’t mean he’s going to marry you-you know.”

“Yeah, you should know, since he left your ass hanging. Newsflash, I’m not you.”

I was thinking I should jump in and put a stop to this before it got out of hand but as long as she didn’t get handsy with my girl, I figured things were still under control. “It won’t last, you know. I know Jared, and you’re not even his type. At least I know he had feelings for me; he’s probably just using you to get back at me.” She actually said that shit like she believed it.

“You peaked in high school, didn’t you?” Samantha didn’t seem the least bit phased by Tessa’s assumption. One of the reasons I’m head over heels in love with her is because of that self-confidence she wears like a shield. There isn’t an ounce of doubt in her. Something a man in my position can’t help but admire.

“What does that even mean?” Tessa scooted back into her space, looking pissed at being thwarted. It boggles the mind that she would even try hitting on me right under her man’s nose, not to mention his family’s. I dodged the fuck out of that bullet.

“It means you’re a simple-minded twit whose high school mean girl popularity went to your head and was all you had to offer society. Now you’re a grown-ass woman who still acts like the dingbat you once were. Seriously what did you see in her?” She turned her ire my way.

I leaned in and sucked on her bottom lip. “Get her baby! I love my fierce, beautiful nerd.” She shivered at my whispered words and gave me that special look as if forgetting we had an audience. I ran my finger down her cheek and admonished her to behave. “Not now, baby, unless you’re done.” I inclined my head towards Tessa, who was looking at us as if transfixed. We tend to have that effect on people.

Samantha got a twinkle in her eye, and I should’ve known trouble was coming. “Ooh, daddy, my butt plug feels like it’s slipping. Why don’t you take me back to my new penthouse and take care of it? Or you can replace it with something else if you’d like.” Have mercy.

She might’ve been making a dig at Tessa, but I had her up and out of the chair before the words had dried on her lips. “Let’s tell your parents that we’re leaving and will be back first thing in the morning to open gifts. Are you through helping your mom?” My words were strained because my dick was hard as a pike and hurting like hell. The thought of fucking her ass had taken over, though I know it will be some time before we can even try that shit.

We left the room without even acknowledging Tessa and went in search of her parents to say our goodbyes but ran into Tom moping in the hallway. “Dammit, give me a second.” She left me and went to him, and I looked back at the room we’d just left. No way in hell am I going back in there with Tessa. My father in law had already questioned me up one side and down the other earlier about our failed relationship, and so as not to give too much away, I’d only told him that things just hadn’t worked out,


