Just One Tease (The Kingston Family #9) Read Online Carly Phillips

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Kingston Family Series by Carly Phillips

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 56893 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)

“Is it a newer model?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No.” She couldn’t control the laugh at the thought of her old vehicle. “Not even close.”

Zach had come from a wealthy family but Hadley was the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. It had been a miracle his parents never gave him a hard time for dating her. Not that she knew of, anyway and they’d always been kind.

“Good.” He nodded in approval. “And you never bought a GPS tracking device?”

This time her laugh was even louder. “No, if someone was stupid enough to steal that car, I’d say good riddance and pray I never saw it again.”

His gaze caught hers and the first signs of a smirk lifted his lips as they shared an amused smile. She felt a small sense of victory until he caught himself and smoothed out his expression.

“Let’s go.”

“Where?” she asked as he turned and started for the door without answering.

She rolled her eyes, sick of his attitude.

Before Zach could exit, a knock sounded and the door opened.

The man who stood behind Zach earlier stepped inside. “Just making sure you’re both in one piece,” he said with a grin she’d have found sexy if she wasn’t still so drawn to Zach and the bad boy he’d obviously become. “I’m Remy Sterling. Zach’s partner,” he said before Zach could perform any introductions. Assuming he even wanted her to meet his friends.

“Hadley Stevens,” she said softly. It was up to Zach to explain who she was–rather, had been to him.

“We were just coming out to discuss some things. Is my family still here?” Zach asked.

Remy’s lips lifted in a huge grin. “They sure are and asking where you disappeared to. Dani was only too happy to fill them in.” He glanced at her and winked.

“Eyes on me, asshole,” Zach muttered.

Her lips parted in surprise.

“Not so fun when the shoe’s on the other foot, is it?” Remy asked. “Try and remember that next time you’re flirting with Raven.”

Hadley had no idea what the byplay between them was about but she wondered. Who was Raven? And what was that sudden jealous knot in her stomach?

“I’ll let them all know you’re coming out.” As Remy turned and walked out, his words finally registered.

“Your family is here?” He’d said the restaurant was closed for a private party but she hadn’t thought about who it was for.

“It’s my niece’s birthday. Nick and his wife are having Leah’s party here.” Zach grimaced. No doubt at the thought of dealing with all the Dares.

How would she face them again? No doubt they were as angry at her for disappearing as their brother was.

Could things get any more difficult? Hadley stifled the urge to cry in frustration.

“Come on. Might as well get this over with.” Zach opened the door and walked into the hall, leaving her to follow him.

Chapter Four

Zach strode out of his office, walked down the hall and into the restaurant to find the birthday party had moved from the more open restaurant area to the smaller side by the bar where there were limited tables and stools.

He glanced back at Hadley, who’d grown pale at the sight of them all. Did it make him a bad person that he enjoyed her discomfort? He really needed to get past his old anger because his gut told him the disappearance and move had been outside her control, and had everything to do with her father.

“Hads!” Dani’s yell caught his attention.

Hadley strode past him and rushed over to the table where her sister sat beside Layla, Zach’s fifteen-year-old half-sister.

Zach rushed to catch up with her, ignoring his sister Jade’s whispered question, asking how he was holding up. Right now, he had no idea. Hopefully he’d figure out the answer before he had to reach out and reassure her he was fine.

“Hello, Hadley,” his stepmother, Serenity said, a soft smile on her face.

Serenity was more Zach’s mom than his birth mother had been. She had moved in as the nanny before he was born and raised all four boys and Jade, doing a mother’s job when their own mom couldn’t. Serenity hadn’t become involved with his father, Michael, until after Audrey’s death and they’d had triplets six years later. Five years after that came Layla, the oops baby.

With his mother’s mental health issues and her death by suicide, Serenity was the only mom he knew. Which meant she’d known Mia… Hadley, dammit, as well.

“Hi, Mrs. Dare,” Hadley said, as if she were still the teenager she used to be.

Serenity laughed. “Please, call me Serenity.”

“Thanks for looking out for Dani.” Hadley’s gaze swept the table and her eyes opened wide. “What did you do? Order everything on the menu?” she asked, obviously horrified by the amount of food on the table.

“He said I could order whatever I wanted,” she said, her gaze zeroing in on Zach.


