Kissing Her Read online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 28900 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 145(@200wpm)___ 116(@250wpm)___ 96(@300wpm)

Irrational anger hits me hard and I’m sure she’s going to mutter something about him being rude to her. The look he cut her was far worse than what Dad gives us when he is pissed. Ragnar’s intensity is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

“Where are we going?” Melina asks before he can fully sit down in his seat. He doesn't answer her as he looks over to me. “Seat belt, sweet Bee.”

“Sweet Bee?” I hear Melina mumble from the back seat.

I must not move fast enough because Ragnar reaches over me and grabs the seat belt and puts it on me. The loud click fills the silent car and I realize it happened so fast I didn't get to savor the touch of him against me once again. His scent lingers, though, and it’s warm and crisp with something else I can’t place.

Get it together, Bee. I can’t act like every little thing he does shocks me into silence. I should have paid better attention to Melina flirting when she’d jabber on about what she and some guy had done. Now I have nothing but the books I’ve read to go by and I don’t think the real world works like that.

My cheeks heat when I think about what I’ve read over the years and all the dirty things I’ve locked away in my mind. I don’t think things could be as perfect as I’ve read in those books if I’m going off the life I’ve lived so far. My parents never touch each other and the sound of my sister and Brandon having sex makes my stomach turn every time. Maybe I’m broken. I was never boy crazy like Melina was growing up, but Ragnar has my attention. Last night he made me wet and being near him makes my whole body ache.

I glance over and see Ragnar staring at me and I wonder if he asked me something and I missed it?

“What?” I ask, and he smirks at me.

“Do you want to go to the mall?” he asks and maybe that’s why I didn't hear the question.

There’s not a world where Ragnar would be in a mall I’d ever go to, but I guess he can't take me back to his place, not with Melina with us. I’m still in shock that we got into the car without my parents pulling me back inside by my hair. They all but pushed me out the front door and I wonder if maybe I’m still asleep and this is all a dream. It’s starting to feel like it until Melina kicks the back of my seat and brings me back to reality.

“Sure!” I chirp way too loudly, and I hear Melina try to fight a laugh. I’m so awkward and my face heats once again.

“Kick her seat again and your ass will be walking.” Ragnar’s words are hard and my eyes widen.

He rubs his thumb over my cheek softly in a silent way of telling me he’s not mad at me. He drops his hand away too soon. I think Melina is in a state of shock because she doesn't respond to what Ragnar said to her. I don’t think anyone has ever talked to her that way before and I’d laugh if she wasn't going to give me hell about it later. It’s sweet Ragnar is standing up for me. I’m not used to it, but I’m sure Melina will find a way to make sure I pay for what Ragnar said. She’s sure to get payback if something doesn't go the way she wants it to.

“The mall it is,” Ragnar says when no one agrees or disagrees with his suggestion.

“Why the mall?” I finally ask. I look down to his hands and I hate that all of him is covered up. I like seeing his tattoos.

“So your sister can get lost and you and I can have some alone time.”

“I can’t leave her alone with you.”

I don’t have to look at Melina to know she’s got her arms folded over her chest and her chin tilted up in challenge. I don’t understand why she keeps on pushing Ragnar, but I’m getting mad about it. Really mad. I never once gave her crap for what she was doing and I also never gave Brandon any and I wanted to more than once. He isn't good enough for her, but I kept my trap shut and let them do what they wanted, even though Melina couldn’t be stopped.

“Five hundred dollars and me not ratting you out to your parents about you sneaking in this morning says otherwise.” I jerk around to look at my sister. How did Ragnar know about that?

“Deal,” she snaps, and though she doesn't sound happy about it, her eyes look excited. I’m sure she’s already spending the money in her head.


