Last Day of My Life Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 94716 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 474(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)

“Hello, Amanda. Nice to see you again. Did you know there was a crosswalk right here? That’s what those yellow lines, and the letters c-r-o-s-s-w-a-l-k spell. It means you have to yield for pedestrians, in case you didn’t know.” Payton sneered.

Obviously, there was some bad blood there. I’m sure it wouldn’t be long and I’d know the complete story. They looked like the loose lips type.

“I know it’s a crosswalk, and I know what it means. I don’t like you though. I didn’t really care if you were ran over in the process or not.” Crazy bitch two with the brown-cropped hair sniggered.

“Y’all are freakin’ nuts. Especially you, Gina. Maybe you should get a life.” Ember muttered. “Sluts.”

Although the last was coughed into her hand, the two women still heard it.

“We’re not sluts! Just because your men think we’re hot doesn’t mean we’re sluts!” Amanda hissed.

“Did it hurt?” Payton asked Amanda.

She looked confused. “Did what hurt?”

“When you fell out of the whore tree and banged every guy on the way down.” Payton said devilishly.

I couldn’t contain my laughter any longer, and doubled over. A cramp was starting in my gut, but I didn’t stop. Oh my God. This was hilarious. The two woman were shrieking at Ember and Payton, who were just shrugging it off and throwing more whore and slut jokes around without the slightest care that they were attracting attention.

A crowd was gathering around. Most of them were trying their hardest not to bust a gut as well. The sound of sirens filled the air but it didn’t faze them. An unmarked police car pulled up beside us, and the guy that had confronted me outside Free earlier stepped out. His clothes were changed to black cargo pants and a white KPD shirt. A shoulder holster crossed over his shoulders and housed a mean looking gun underneath his left arm.

He took in the situation with gleeful eyes, and sauntered up, placing his body between the two groups. “What’s going on here?” He asked with a deep voice, humor exceptionally evident.

“This bitch threw a cupcake at my car.” Gina yelled starting forward.

“Calm down,” Luke snapped. “How about you all?” He turned to us and asked.

“She nearly ran us over. Ran right through the crosswalk and didn’t even slow down when she saw us crossing. Nearly ran my fucking toes over.” Ember practically growled.

I chose not to point out that her toes were nowhere near the car, that it would have been the cart that was hit first. She looked a little upset, and I chose to stay silent for the time being.

“Yeah, right. You’re just bitchy because I caught your man’s eye at The Big Tuna last week.” Gina scoffed.

“That’s because you shoved your fat tits into his face and practically fell in his lap.” Payton gritted out.

“I am not fat. You’re just jealous.” Gina growled.

“You’re fat. Don’t sugarcoat it, because you’d probably eat that too.” Ember said with bright shining eyes.

Ahh, God. I couldn’t take it anymore. I dropped my hands to my knees and just lost it. I was laughing so hard I missed the next few attacks. I was wheezing and sputtering by the time I saw Luke escorting the two lovely ladies to their shiny black Escalade and telling them to avoid us at all costs.

He came back just as I regained my feet. Wiping my eyes, I looked at his stern face. He was trying his damndest to contain the mirth that was boiling underneath the surface.

“Really, Ember? Can’t you stop acting like the schoolyard bully?” He asked, barely containing laughter.

“I just can’t help it. This gets worse and worse every time we see those crazy bitches. God, they have like a network of whores who keep a bead on all of our guys. Every single time we go out, one of those crazy bitches shows up and ruins everything.” Ember snarled.

“Alright, ladies. Time for y’all to get home. Have a good day.” He said before returning to his car.

We watched him drive away, and then continued to our cars. “It was nice seeing you all again. I’m gonna run to the hospital and drop this off. I want to check on that man anyway.” I announced as I reached my car.

“I’m going with you!” Payton yelled and scrambled after me.

I nodded, we waved goodbye to Ember, and headed in the direction of the hospital.

“So, you’re a medic. How did you get into that?” She asked curiously.

“After my accident, I went to thank the helicopter medics that saved my life. They acted as if it was no big deal that they changed the course of my life by saving me that day. I started paramedic classes the next school semester, and haven’t looked back since.” I said, flipping on my blinker to get into the next lane.

The car beside me gave me a raised hand in complaint as she drove past, so I made sure to flip her off as a good gesture. Bitches. Everyone driving today was a big asshole. Couldn’t they see that the people in front of me weren’t going, which meant I couldn’t go?

“What the hell is going on today? Why is everyone driving like crap?” I asked with a crankiness to my voice that didn’t often present itself.

“Welcome to town. Get used to it.” Payton shrugged.

I grimaced and managed to pull into the parking lot with no extra dents in my car. Finding a spot, we walked swiftly into the emergency room. Payton carried the wine, and I carried the flowers.

“Hey there, Payton! How’s it shakin’? Celebrating something?” A big burly security guard asked.

“Goin’ good, Mr. Reynolds. Just checking on a patient.” She waved.

“You here a lot?” I asked curiously.

She pulled me by my free hand to a locked door with a keypad beside it. Punching in a sequence of keys, she led me into the nurses’ station and stopped, looking around for someone. Spying the person she wanted, she headed in the direction of a male nurse.

“I work in the postpartum unit. Winter, I’d like you to meet Jason. Jason, this is Winter. We’re here to see about the man that came in with the heart attack.” Payton said.


