Last Day of My Life Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 94716 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 474(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)

I’d also given him a letter and a package as well. I hoped he liked what I gave him. It wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough, but it would do until I had him back in my arms again.

The little girl next to me started to pick up the crying, and I felt my heart ache for her. She had no clue why her daddy was leaving. The mother tried to shush her, but it didn’t help.

I searched through my purse until I found the American flag pinwheel I’d bought at the store the night before and handed it to her. The mother looked grateful for my help, and gave me a relieved smile when she quieted down to mere whimpers.

A man that stood in front of all the aligned soldiers started barking orders, and the crying picked up as we watched them go into the back of a massive plane.

“Daddy! Don’t leave us daddy! Please stay. Don’t leave!” A young girl wailed and slipped from her mother’s arms.

The mother cursed and started disentangling herself from the car seat at her feet. The young baby she had in her hands started to grunt and fuss at the commotion; I got to my feet and helped.

“Do you want me to hold her while you go?” I offered.

“Daddy. No!” The hoarse screaming continued.

She gave me a supremely grateful look and gently laid the baby into my arms before running after her other child.

The young girl was fast; I had to give her that. She’d made it past the gate and onto the runway by the time the mother had caught up with her. The father of the little girl had stopped at the base of the plane and looked torn on whether he should try to help or not, but the roar of the engines starting up drowned out the little girl’s wails and made the decision for him.

A strong hand on my shoulder made me look behind me and away from the tearful pleas of the young girl. I turned and eyed Mr. Stoker with tears in my eyes; his rough palm cupped my face.

“No, it doesn’t get any easier girl. It does get easier to hide from them, though. This is his second deployment in three years. I’d hoped that they would have stationed him stateside but that’s not what he wanted. He wants to make a difference.”

I nodded. We’d discussed his career plans in length. After this next deployment, he planned on going to Ranger School. From there, he would most likely have a different military path, but regardless of what he chose, there would always be dangers.

“Yeah, I know. The man is as stubborn as they come.” I grumbled and then stared back at the little girl as she continued the heartbreaking crying.

“I can’t wait for Jack to give me one of those.” He said, making me turn back towards him.

My eyes followed his gaze’s direction to the tiny little baby in my arms. My heart felt like it was flying as I thought about having his child. Yes, I wanted to have kids with Jack, but it was definitely going to be on the back burner until I got my degree.

“You never know, Bill.” Adam said, raising his eyebrows with a sly smile on his face.

Although we got along better these days, Adam still annoyed the absolute shit out of me. We were more like brother and sister now, and it made me happy that he finally accepted me.

Ignoring his rude comments and his mother slapping him on the arm, I watched Jack finally make it to the back of the plane. He placed an arm around the man who was staring at his daughter crying, crying himself now too, and moved him into the belly of the plane.

They both disappeared from site and just a few precious moments later, the back of the plane closed, sealing them all in for the ride. The plane moved slowly at first, but quickly picked up speed, propelling the massive beast down the runway.

The tearful little girl finally made it back to the bleachers, and the weeping mother took her baby from my arms and hugged them both close as they watched the plane go.

The further away it went, the tighter the knot that was forming in my throat seemed to be. As soon as the wheels left the ground, I tore into the package he’d left me. Inside was a small black velvet jewelry box and a note written on notebook paper.

I delved into the note with little to no patience.

I hope you don’t stay sad for long. If I know you, you’ll hide it from everyone, but I have high hopes that you will share with my dad, Adam, his parents, and your sister if you need to. You know I will be here for you always.

I love you with all my heart and soul.

Wait for me.


My eyes welled at his words, but I tamped them down and opened up the jewelry box. Inside, nestled down deep into the folds of velvet, was a simple silver band. On the inside of that ring, it said four simple words in cursive.

Forever my dream catcher.

Chapter 1

I saw you have tattoos and a real job, excuse me while I take off my clothes.



Shaking like a leaf, I dropped the car down into drive and pressed my foot down on the accelerator. The car propelled forward, narrowly missing the parked car that was illegally parked behind me.

My mind kept replaying what the man said.

“Get out now. Don’t stop. Go straight to this address and look for him.”

As I stopped at the next traffic light, my eyes trailed down to the picture. It was of a man in jeans, a red t-shirt, and a red bandana covering his inky black hair. He had a tool in his hand, connected to an air hose, and he was leaning over into the depths of a pickup truck.

His arms were buried under the hood, but his face was looking straight at the camera. Almost as if he knew his picture was being taken.


