Mountain Man Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 38490 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t certain. My only worry is for you, you need to be sure that this is what you really want. I won’t talk you into doing anything you don’t want to and you certainly don’t need to go this far to repay….

“No-no, it’s not that. It’s just, I wouldn’t begin to know how to approach him.” It was easier when I thought he was a gruff mountain man who’d forgotten how to eat with a knife and fork.

But now that I knew he was as wounded as I’d once suspected, I felt out of my depth.

“Just be yourself, remember, that’s who he fell for. You might need to push sometimes because he is a hardheaded son of a bitch pardon my French, but I promise you that it’ll be well worth it in the end.”

And that’s how we’d left it before I left his office, promising to give it some thought. I went for a drive instead of heading back home. I needed the alone time to think and I couldn’t do that at home.

It didn’t take long for me to admit that I knew all along what my answer was going to be. As crazy as it seems, from the moment I saw that look in his eyes that first night, it was already too late to turn back. I guess all this time the only thing stopping me was the fact that I have no idea how he really feels.

His actions both times I went to his house spoke volumes, but now with his brother’s words, I felt a little bit more sure of myself. And it was for that reason that I found myself driving out to his place mid-morning with a new resolve.


I hadn’t expected her to come. I’d wished for it sure, but I didn’t think she’d show up after the way I’d behaved both times she’d put herself out to come to me. Then the pain in the ass sheriff better known as my brother called.

“I’ve sent Cassie back to you. Try not to screw things up again jackass.” That’s all the asshole said before hanging up again. That was more than two hours ago and there was no sight of her.

I paced the cabin back and forth making myself crazy, worrying that something might’ve happened to her. It was for that reason that when she finally pulled into the driveway I’d reached breaking point.

I slammed out the door and went out to meet her. “Where the hell have you been? Wyatt called here hours ago and said you were coming. Do you know how irresponsible it is…” I stopped talking when I realized what I was doing.

I half expected her to turn and drive away. Why wouldn’t she? I haven’t been exactly welcoming any of the times she came here. But instead of running away she gave me a very disarming smile as she passed me on her way into the house.

The fuck got into her? She didn’t even look the same. Her clothes were the same. Another one of those prissy summer dresses that you’d expect to see on the lawn of a country club. It was the look in her eyes that was different and I wondered just what the hell my brother had told her.

She greeted the dog who acted like she was a prisoner of war and the two of them walked into house almost in step. Fucking mutt is so disrespectful.

“Have you had anything other than coffee this morning? How about I make you some breakfast before I get to the laundry?” She answered her own damn question and headed for the kitchen while I stood in the doorway wondering what the hell had fallen and hit her in her head.

She wasn’t acting normal, not at all like herself and I wondered how long she planned on keeping up the act. I decided to test my theory right then and there, no time like the present.



I’d bitten off way more than I could chew. She may be acting different but I wasn’t and the sudden abundance of exposure to her was having the now expected effect.

I watched her putter around my kitchen like she lived here and noticed she was deliberately ignoring me and talking to the dog. Unless she needed to know where something was of course, then she remembered that I existed.

I let her play her game though it was beginning to chafe, but I’d be damned if I was going to let her see that. But a funny thing happened while she was ignoring me. She was being so obvious with her shit that I was able to take my time and study her.

I knew that since she was pretending to ignore me she wouldn’t turn and look at me, so I took the opportunity to look my fill. There was no doubt that I liked what I saw. What was fucking with me now tough was the fact that I had no idea how to deal with her. I realized what my problem was; she scares the shit outta me.


