Mountain Man Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 38490 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“Why won’t you give yourself a chance?”

“What did she say?” There was less heat in my words this time when I asked.

“She didn’t say much. Just that you two had a fight. But the way she was hyperventilating and crying her little heart out, I couldn’t leave it at that.”

Of course not, because you always have to have your nose in my shit. “Are you going to tell me what the fuck she said?”

“Wait a minute. I’m still deciding if you deserve to hear this or not.” This jackass.

“She said that you don’t love her and she’s not the type of girl who can be in a meaningless relationship.” He went on to say how she thought I had no room in my heart for her since I was still in love with my ex wife.

“She told you all this standing on the side of the road huh?”

“Of course, I couldn’t send her home to her parents like that. I had to console her….”

“What do you mean console?”

“Well, she was crying really hard, and since I was the one who talked her into coming out here to help out I felt kinda responsi…hey let me go you ass.”

“Did you touch her?”

“No, not that it’s any of your business if I did. You want to unhand me? You’re sure not acting like someone who doesn’t care.”

“Leave it alone Wyatt.”

“Fine! Oh by the way, I thought you might like to know that some stranger bailed her two attackers out of jail and they’ve since disappeared into the wind.”

“What the fuck do you mean?”

“Well, they weren’t locals and they were bailed out by an out-of-towner. We’re working on finding their location.”

“And you let her go knowing that shit?”

“What would you like me to do?”

I paced the room again like a caged animal with my mind in turmoil. “I need everything you have on those two.”

“That won’t be necessary it’s for the law to take care of.”

“Don’t fuck with me Wyatt, what do you know?”

“Why do you care? This is the perfect opportunity for you to wash your hands clean of the whole mess and move on with your life. Then you can go back to living in the past.”

“Just how the fuck long were you two standing on the side of that road?” Wasn’t that the same shit she’d thrown at me before storming out?

“Long enough for me to know that you’re about to let something go that you shouldn’t.”

I didn’t answer him. I already knew what he thought. He’s one of the ones who thinks I should’ve move on by now. How could he know how hard that shit was? He’s never lost the woman he loves.

“Braden, don’t do this shit, you’ll regret it. If she gets on that plane tomorrow…”

“What the fuck are you talking about, what plane?”

“Oh didn’t I tell you, she’s planning on taking a trip to get away and lick her wounds.”

“Why didn’t you say that shit in the first place you ass?” I was already out the door and whistling for my dog, who’d been giving me the cold shoulder ever since she left. He took his sweet time coming around the side of the house with another one of his too human looks.

“You want to go get the girl or not?” His ears perked up and I was beginning to think I’d trained his ass too well. Damn dog was damn near human.

I didn’t know what I was going to say to her once I got there. I knew where she lived because I looked it up after she left, not quite sure why, just wanted to know.

I didn’t like that she thought I didn’t love her. I never would’ve taken her innocent ass to my bed if all I wanted was a fuck.

I could lie and tell myself I was going after her because her attackers were on the loose, but the truth is, I was planning my approach before asshole Wyatt showed up at my door with his nosy ass.

I could’ve called before I pulled up to her driveway and saw her car there, but I waited until then just in case she tried to give me the slip. “Come outside.” I didn’t say hello or identified myself, she’d better know who the fuck this is.

She came outside two minutes later and it was obvious that she was still in a snit. Harley for once stayed his ass in the bed of the truck while I leaned against the driver’s side door waiting for her to come to me.

When she was standing right in front of me I didn’t touch her though I wanted to. I didn’t realize how much I missed her until now. “I’ve come to take you home.” There, that was straightforward and to the point.

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” Stubborn little shit.


