One Tasty Pucking Meet Cute (Frosty Harbor #1) Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Frosty Harbor Series by Penelope Bloom

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 98134 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 491(@200wpm)___ 393(@250wpm)___ 327(@300wpm)

I kick my feet up and pull out my phone. There’s no reason I can’t hang out and keep an eye on her until she wakes up, just to be safe.

I see a string of texts from Caroline when I pull out my phone.

Caroline: How did it go?

Caroline: I think she really likes you, by the way.

Caroline: You two would be cute together. You realize that, right?

Caroline: Hope you’re both using protection.

I roll my eyes and fire off a response.

Jesse: Nothing happened. Nothing is going to happen. Stop trying to play matchmaker.

Caroline’s response comes almost right away.

Caroline: I wish you would just tell me what happened with Sarah. You used to tell me everything. Maybe I could help.

I start typing a message, delete it, start again, delete it, and then set my phone down in frustration. I glance over at Andi again and some of her hair has fallen across her eyes. I have to fight the urge to go gently push it back from her forehead and tuck it behind her ear.

I send my message quickly.

Jesse: I just need time. It’s nothing. Stop worrying so much.

I set the phone down and ignore the next string of vibrations signaling Caroline’s replies. I feel a little pang of guilt for ignoring my sister. Our mom died shortly after Caroline finished high school and I was just breaking into the league. Then dad died a few years later. Now all we really have is each other. I have my teammates, but I know she just has the people around town and Mia, and that bond isn’t anything like what forms between the guys on the squad.

I need to do better for her. I need to do better for the guys on the team, too. I’ve let myself draw back inside myself ever since the breakup, and the time for self-pity is long gone by now. Somehow, Andi’s arrival has been the wake-up call I didn’t know I needed.

I run a hand down my face and look over at Andi again. I try to decide if she’s still cold. Actually, I think maybe she’s too hot now. I go and peel off the top blanket, hesitate, then decide to leave the single blanket on her. I poke at the fire a bit until I’ve moved a few logs out of the fire to help calm it down some.

I take my spot back on the couch and thread my fingers over my stomach.

I can’t allow myself to start thinking about chasing after Andi. Obviously, I’m attracted to her. Obviously, I find her fun and enchanting. I’d be surprised if anybody didn’t. She’s infectious, and before long, she’ll probably have all of Frosty Harbor under her spell, along with my teammates.

Maybe keeping a protective eye over her can be enough for me. Maybe I can settle for taking care of Andi while she’s here. I can help her. I can be like another big brother to her when Jake isn’t around and when he heads back out of Frosty Harbor after the holidays.

I just need to find a way to suppress how my body seems to practically light up with an electric current of excitement every time I’m near her.

Easier said than done.



I’m not avoiding Andi. Not exactly, anyway. I’m simply resisting the near overwhelming urge to put myself in positions to be around her. I’ve been jumping at the chance when Caroline needs something done away from the bed and breakfast. Errand to run? I’m on it. Go ask so and so about this and that? No problem. As long as it’s not me and Andi together doing something, I’m all for it.

Around the cabin, I’ve managed to keep my distance, too. I started going to practices to cheer the guys on and give them pointers. I even went to a meeting the other day. On the one hand, it’s helping tamp down the growing guilt I’ve felt over failing to be a leader for my teammates. On the other hand, it’s keeping me away from Andi and from having to confront whatever confusing shit is attempting to form itself between us.

When I do need to be near Andi, I try to make sure my teammates are also around. Despite my efforts, we’ve still found ourselves alone a few times. The chemistry is impossible to ignore when it’s just us. We rode out to her crashed car together the other day and I helped the town mechanic, Mikey, chain it up and tug it free. He said it was most likely totaled, but he’d take a look. I helped Andi get things filed away with her insurance and we got lunch together before heading back.

All told, she has been in Frosty Harbor for about a week now. One week and I can already see how her presence is reaching to every corner of town like rapidly spreading vines. I’ve seen her laughing with Teri and Keri, the couple who runs the farmer’s market every weekend. I’ve spotted her chatting with random old folks on the sidewalk, running errands all over town for Caroline, and staying up late to play board games and watch movies with the guys at my cabin.


