One Tasty Pucking Meet Cute (Frosty Harbor #1) Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Frosty Harbor Series by Penelope Bloom

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 98134 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 491(@200wpm)___ 393(@250wpm)___ 327(@300wpm)

“Fine, weirdly enough. Was there something going on I didn’t know about? He looks like he’s worried for you, but not upset about the wedding being called off. His parents seem pretty pissed, though.”

“Good,” I sigh. “Not about his parents, but I’m glad Landon took it well.”

I hear a door slam.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I just got to mom and dad’s place. I’m not going to be able to get there till tomorrow morning, but I already texted Jesse while we’ve been talking. They’re leaving the rink now and coming your way.”

“Okay. So if a car full of beefy hockey guys pulls up, I just get in, right?”

Jake sighs again. “Don’t call them beefy. Actually, don’t even talk to them. Don’t make eye contact. They’re all convinced they’re God’s gift to women, and it doesn’t take much encouragement to get them excited.”

“I just pulled the old matrimonial mirage, Jake. Do you really think I’m already planning on getting in another relationship?”

“How many stupid phrases have you come up with for being a runaway bride, Andi?”

I grin, even though I’m shivering and my teeth are clattering hard now. “It was a long drive, but I’m almost out of phrases, so we need to wrap this conversation up. But, um, Jake?”


“Thanks for not yelling at me or being mad or anything like that. I’m sorry, I–” I can feel the tears coming.

Jake must sense it, too. “You’re my little sister, so shut up. Of course I have your back. I always will. Now get in your car if it’s not on fire. Try to stay warm. And do not tell any of the guys you ‘went commando’.”

I eyeball the car, give it a cautious little kick, then nod. “Car’s not on fire,” I confirm. “Going to get in and try to warm up now. I’ll just cuddle up with my itchy wedding gown and veil.”

“I’m glad you ditched that guy. He wasn’t good enough for you. But did you have to crash your fucking car and get yourself stranded?”

“Sorry. Thanks for sending in the calvary to save me.”

“Any time. I love you, Wedding Vanisher.”

I laugh. “That one was kind of weak. But I love you too.”



I’m driving slow, hands tight on the wheel and eyes alert as I scan the road for signs of tire tracks. The guys are sweaty from practice and my injured ass is perfectly clean in a heavy wool shirt. Carter and Liam were the only ones who managed to get themselves moving fast enough to join me in the search for Jake’s little sister. Nolan and Maddox had just gotten in the showers, so we told them we’d catch up later.

“Think we’ll find her?” Carter asks. He has a mop of brown hair that’s permanently disheveled, mischievous blue eyes, and a knack for turning even the most dire situations into a joke. On the ice, it can be an asset. His over-the-top celebrations and trick shots have a way of calming all our nerves, even in the biggest games.

“There’s only one road into town from that direction,” I say. “We just need to keep looking.”

“A runaway bride, huh?” Liam muses. He’s in the back of the car, cold air blowing through his hair so he looks even more like a movie star than usual. He has chiseled features with green eyes that seem to win over girls the moment he meets them. On the ice, he’s all grace and smooth skating, with a knack for scoring in ways that look effortless. But that’s Liam in a nutshell. Everything seems to come too easily for him, which is probably why he always seems on the verge of boredom. “Why do you think she bailed on the groom?”

“Don’t know,” I say. “Jake wasn’t exactly bursting with details. He texted that she crashed on the side of the road coming in from the east side of town. She’s cold and needs us to get her ASAP. That’s all I know.”

“Think she’s cute?” Carter asks. “Or do you think she’s like a female version of Jake? All big muscles and big eyebrows with a jawline to slice garlic in prison for mobsters?”

“What?” Liam asks.

“Haven’t you seen that movie?” Carter says, circling his hand as he searches for the title. “Ah, shit. I can’t remember what it’s called. The one where the mobsters are in jail and they cook this pasta meal, but they have to cut the garlic so thin they use razor blades?”

“Uh, no,” Liam says. “And it’s concerning that you’ve paid so much attention to Jake’s features. I should tell him you have a crush. Maybe he can cut you out of your clothes with that jaw of his you admire so much.”

“I was only trying to imagine what his little sister looks like,” Carter complains. “You know me, man. Tell me I can’t have something and I just want it more. How many times has he told us his little sister is off limits since we met him? A thousand? I’ve never even seen a picture of her. It’s shameful.”


