Oxygen Deprived Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Kilgore Fire, #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kilgore Fire Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 76609 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 383(@200wpm)___ 306(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

He pulled out a butcher knife from the knife block and said, “Hold this.”

I held it, then watched in amusement as he walked carefully around the kitchen island, straight up to Danny who was preoccupied holding off my brother, and promptly pulled him back by the collar of his shirt.

Then, with hilarious ease, he began his own beat-down of Danny while my brother watched with a satisfied smirk on his face.

I bit my lip, wondering if I should intervene…then decided to hell with it.

I reached for the bag of chips that were sitting on the counter next to me, opened them up and started munching away.

My brother and Drew took turns pushing Danny around, and the scene playing out before me reminded me of the saying ‘Don’t play with your food.’

Not because of the fact that they looked like they were going to eat him or anything, but because they were the predators and Danny was the prey.

And he just didn’t know when to shut up!

“I fucked her first,” Danny coughed, wiping a stream of blood from his mouth. “How does it feel to know she had my cock in her cunt…her mouth?”

My mouth dropped open.

“I never gave you head!” I yelled loudly, drawing the attention of my brother.

He looked furious, sure.

But the look on Drew’s face…that was a sight to behold.

He was in a full rage.

With one look at my face, he leaned forward and whispered something to Danny, causing my ex’s face to turn from a red to flat out purple.

“My dick is not vomit inducing!” He cried. “She did not say that.”

My mouth dropped open.

“You told him that?” I cried. “I told you that in confidence!”

Drew’s eyes lit with mirth.

“The man needed to know that his dick made you rather have sex with your dildo instead of him,” Drew added. “I can see it’s starting to add up.”

“My dick is not bad looking!” he fumed.

“Actually,” I said. “It is.”

Danny’s face became mottled with rage.

“Take that back,” he hissed.

The front door to my house banged open and I immediately hopped off the counter.

“Get out of my house!” I screamed at the woman.

The woman tossed me a cursory glance, ignored me, and walked straight up to Danny.

“Let him go, or I’ll arrest you,” she ordered Drew.

Drew laughed at her.

“I’d like to see you try,” he said to the woman that I’d caught Danny cheating on me with.

Her hand shot forward, but Drew caught it before she could punch him in the face.

“Darlin’,” he drawled. “I know you’re a cop…but you’re a woman. No matter what you try to do, you’re never going to be a man. I have the same training as you…in fact, I have more. I’ve easily got a hundred pounds and eight inches on you, and your form’s all wrong.”

He pushed her fist away from him, also knocking her back a few steps in the shove.

She hissed and pulled out her gun, or she would have had Downy not stopped her.

“Ms. Meek,” Downy said with authority lacing his tone. “You are off duty. You’re in a house that’s not yours and you were not invited into it. You assaulted a fire fighter, and to be honest, I don’t like you all that much. I suggest you take Danny and get the fuck out of here. I don’t think I need to tell you how this will go if you decide to pursue this, right?”

Officer Meek bared her teeth at Downy.

“No,” she said. “I don’t think you do, Assistant Chief Downy. You’ve made yourself clear, Sir.”

Drew let Danny go, who immediately sagged when Drew was no longer holding him up.

“I don’t want to see you here again,” Downy snapped.

“Except for when you return Aspen’s things,” Drew added when the two went to leave.

Danny snarled a curse.

Downy’s brows rose.

“You took some belongings that aren’t yours, Officer?” Downy asked Danny.

“I didn’t…” Danny started to say, but the lady dragon stopped him before he could get much more out.

“We’ll return it via a courier tomorrow,” she replied hastily, exiting as fast as she could get Danny out of there.

“Well…” I murmured, turning to my brother and Drew. “Are we still on for lunch, at least?”

Downy’s eyes narrowed.

“You never told me he took your stuff, Ridley,” Downy growled grumpily.

I shrugged, not bothering to correct him on my name.

“You also never come over for me to tell,” I added. “And you actively ignore my calls.”

“I do not,” he argued.

My brows rose.

“I called you last week to wish you happy birthday, and you chose to ignore the call three times,” I told him.

His mouth opened to deny it.

“I was at SWAT training…” he lied.

My mouth dropped open.

“You’re a lying sack of shit!” I accused him. “Do you not realize that Drew would be attending the same SWAT training that you go to? And he was here. With me.”


