Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

And holy shit, but she’s gorgeous. When she licked my finger, I almost jumped her bones right then and there, and the dress she has on? Most people would describe it as sexy but let’s just say I can’t take my eyes off her. It’s a tight black number that’s giving me a lot of ideas involving her curvy assets.

“You thinking about that dress she’s wearing?” Jordan asks sotto voce.

We were in the hall, striding to our respective rooms.

“Fuck yeah, I’m thinking about that dress she’s wearing. It’s all that I can think about right now,” I respond to Jordan’s question.

He grunts and disappears into his room. Meanwhile, I go into my own room, closing my eyes and relaxing for a couple of minutes against the wall. I need to calm the fuck down because we’re going to scare poor Mira at this rate.

Reluctantly, I get myself into the bathroom to check myself out in the mirror. There are some pasta stains on my sweater, but no worries. That’s easily fixed with a new shirt.

I splash some water on my face, washing away whatever grime is on it. Then I look up again. There are dark streaks on my cheekbones and my jaw looks tenser than usual. Probably from the excitement from being around Mira.

I finish up in the bathroom and head to my room, riffling through my drawers for a new shirt. It’s fine. I have a couple t-shirts, and land on a blue one that’s casual and comfortable. Then again, Mira came over looking so nice, and I feel the need to at least try to match her energy.

Jordan knocks on the door and strolls in before grimacing.

“Really dude? Are you worried she won’t like your outfit?”

I let out a frustrated breath because he’s right.

“Yeah, so what? I want to look nice for her.”

He shrugs.

“Fine,” he says.

“This is crazy. I’ve never been so worried about an outfit in my life. I mean, WTF? It’s not like we’re fashionistas.”

“Yeah, screw it. Let’s just go.”

I pull on the blue top, and we make our way back to the living room to find Mira standing there, a bit uncomfortable.

“Ready to eat?” I growl. She turns around at the sound of my voice. Her eyes are wide, like she’s surprised to see us.

“Yeah,” she nods. “You look nice.”

I growl right back at her. “You too.”

I motion with my head to the table, and we all sit down.

“I can say a quick prayer,” I offer. We bow our heads, and I begin.

“Thank you, Dear Heavenly Father, for getting all of us through another day. Tonight, I wanted to give a special thanks for Mira. When you first brought her into our lives, I was pretty confused. Jordan had to show me that she was a bright light with so much promise. Please bless our meal and accept our thanks for all the amazing things you have brought into our lives. Amen.” Jordan gives an enthusiastic amen, but Mira’s is closer to a whisper. It doesn’t look like she absolutely hated my prayer. She just looks a bit shy, given that she was the subject of my homily.

She smiles at me, though, and picks up a fork before stabbing a piece of pasta drenched in tomato sauce. I watch as Mira takes her first bite.

Mira delicately places some spaghetti in her mouth, chewing rather slowly. It’s probably extremely weird that I’m watching her with such focus. I really should look away because it’s like I’m a stalker.

But I can’t.

Her eyes flutter close as she swallows and it’s practically erotic. Her lips and tongue are in motion, and her eyes close as she savors the tangy flavors. I made sure to taste everything before declaring it finished, but the true testament is Mira’s taste buds.

She opens her eyes and shoots a delighted smile at us.

“Oh my goodness, guys! This is yummy!” She takes a heartier bite, chewing faster this time. She moans with pleasure. “So good,” she manages.

The smile on my face is huge.

“You think?”

“You guys are amazing cooks.”

Jordan laughs, and I join in.

“Do you not believe me? Because it’s true. This is some of the best food I’ve ever had. Eat it! See for yourself!”

“It’s not that we don’t believe you,” Jordan starts. “It’s more like our culinary skills were born out of sheer desperation, so sometimes we maybe underestimate them a little bit.”

Mira looks wholly confused, so I decide to explain.

“As a kid, I couldn’t boil a pot of water without messing it up. Jordan was the same exact way, and you can imagine how it was for us in college. Our scholarships covered meals, so we didn’t have to worry about cooking, but once we went to seminary, our monetary situation changed dramatically.”

“We were essentially penniless,” Jordan continues. “Luckily tuition was covered, but housing and food were left up to us. So we found ourselves a super cheap apartment and the next step was learning to cook. We actually learned all kinds of ways to save money.”


