Repo Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Contemporary, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 84788 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

"Tell you what," I started, choosing my words carefully. "I can't make you any promises, Repo. And I will probably resent and be pissed at you a lot, but for the time being, anytime you want to sneak off and find a field somewhere," I smiled, "let me know."

"We're never gonna fuck on a bed, are we?" he asked, his eyes dancing.

"Where's the fun in that?" I countered and he laughed.

"You've got a point."

"So, ah, are you going back in or what?" I asked a minute later when we both just sat there, looking around at the fence line.

"Embarrassed at being seen with me, huh?" he asked, smirking.

"More like I'm not looking for any reason for Reign to kick me out any sooner than necessary."

"Can I ask you something?"

There was a seriousness in his tone that made me stiffen a little. "You can ask."

"Why stick it out? If you know it's not going anywhere, why not just cut your losses and head out? You can't possibly enjoy the grunt work."

"No, but I'm not a quitter. I'll stay until I'm not welcome anymore."

"Hate to break it to you, honey, but you're not exactly welcome now," he said, snagging my milk crate again, this time spinning it so my back was to him. His arm moved around my center, pulling me back against him. Feeling me stiffen, he pulled me tighter. "Don't worry, I'll get out of here before anyone can see us. Just relax."


Easy for him to say.

He wasn't going to be kicked out of the organization that could keep him safe from some crazy Russian brothers.

And he wasn't weighted by the knowledge that, by getting kicked out, we would be losing what we had come to find with each other.

But that was my burden to shoulder.

So I leaned back against Repo's strong chest and we did our jobs and I pretended to ignore the growing sadness settling down deep inside me.



The next three days did two things.

One, I was constantly sex-sore because when Repo said 'fuck you whenever the mood strikes', he meant it. And that mood struck at least twice a day. Once, I was pulled back toward his cars under the pretense of handing him tools and waxing the car (both things he totally forced me to do, by the way. Being with Repo didn't get me any special treatment) and then he fucked me against the hood like he had fantasized about. There was another time in his back seat, me on top riding him hard and fast, our bodies slick with sweat in the summer heat. And my shifts tended to be at night or in the morning so no one would see us when he would grab me and fuck me hard and rough or slow and sweet. Repo had no standard for how he liked to fuck. He wasn't one of those guys who only had one move, one speed, one preference. He followed the mood and that meant I got not only spoiled by orgasms that threatened to make me dumb, but experience with types of sex other men had never afforded me before.

We still hadn't had sex in a bed.

Two, I sort-of maybe got a little too wrapped up with my little affair to remember why I was at The Henchmen compound in the first place. I still texted and called K. But as the days passed and he heard nothing and I saw nothing, I felt a sense of ease start to settle over me again.

I blamed all the sex.

It got me all hopped up on the endorphins and dopamine.

It gave me a false sense of security.

Yes, false.

On the fourth day after we sort-of unofficially got together, I got called into the kitchen by Reign who had his head stuck in the fridge.

"What do you need, Reign?"

"Food," he said, slamming the door. "Repo usually keeps us stocked. Don't know what the fuck he's been up to." Aside from fucking me nonstop, that was. "Take this," he said, reaching into his pocket for a wad of cash that, judging by the hundred it was wrapped in, made a huge sum of money. "And this," he added, going into a cabinet to grab keys then hand them to me. "That's to the Explorer. You need the trunk room for the bags. And no girly shit. Get the shit you usually find in the fridge."

"Okay. On it."

I didn't even hesitate.

I should have hesitated.

Because K had been very specific about not leaving the compound, especially not alone.

Things had been fine.

I went to the super market. I loaded up on the basic veggies Repo always seemed to like handy as well as: eggs, yogurt, dips, chips, and an obscene amount of meat for dinners. I paid with Reign's money that was all hundreds in that wad. Apparently arms dealing was quite profitable.


