Roman (Men of the Falls #2) Read Online Melanie Moreland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Mafia, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Men of the Falls Series by Melanie Moreland

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 93203 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 466(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

She no doubt saw the same lack of emotion reflected in mine.

“You’ve been busy, Miss Warner.”


I inclined my head. “Ms. Warner. Marianne, right?”

She tossed her hair, showing a fringe of dark on the top. Not a blond at all. I had a feeling nothing about her was real.

“So, Marianne. You must be good.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Not only did you convince my floor manager to extend your credit far beyond what it is allowed, you somehow walked out of here without securing your debt. You wasted my time, my patience, more of your own money, and you cost me the wages of two men to hunt you down.” I drummed my fingers on the wooden desktop. “I am not a man who takes kindly to my time and money being wasted.”

I got another hair toss. “Not my fault your people fucked up.”

I leaned forward. “I would be careful what you say next. Where is the sixty grand you owe me?”

She frowned. “Fifty.”

I shook my head. “Interest, Marianne. And it grows daily. As does my anger.”

“That’s robbery!”

“You want to call the cops?” I asked. “Be my guest. Be sure you mention who you owe the money to.” I pushed the phone her way. “I think you’ll find yourself without much support.”

She changed her attitude. Her skin paled under the fake tan she wore. It was a little orange in this light, reminding me of a pumpkin. For some reason, that made me smile, and I had to bite my lip to stop from doing so.

“Listen, I’ll pay.”

“Today. You will pay today.”

“I can get it in a couple of days. I’m trying. I really am. Fucking Effie is proving to be difficult.”

“Fucking Effie?”

“My damn sister. She has the money. I just have to get it.”

“Your sister is your account manager?” I asked, for some reason. I didn’t care where she got the money, just that she got it.

She huffed out a breath, pumping her leg in vexation. “No. Our mom died and left us money. I spent mine. Goody-Two-Shoes that she is invested it and opened a stupid little breakfast place. I just need her to loan me some of her cash. I’ll pay her back. I just need one good night at the tables.”

I sat back, weary. She was a typical addicted gambler. Always looking for the quick win. The right angle. The tip. Always in denial. Blaming everyone else for their losses. Unable to admit they were the problem.

“Perhaps your sister is right not to give you the money.”

Anger flashed in her eyes, and she sneered. The carefully crafted veneer cracked, and I saw her true colors. “Righteous little bitch. Always lecturing me. Marianne, you should do this. Not do that. Ha,” she snapped. “Always staying in the safe lane. Leading her boring little life, living over her precious Bagels and Bites shop, working herself to the bone.” She crossed her arms. “She’ll give me the fifty thousand.”

“By the time you get it to me, it’ll be seventy.”

She opened her mouth then shut it. A gleam appeared in her eyes. She leaned forward, her voice low, as if telling me a secret. “We could make a deal.”

I lifted an eyebrow in question.

“I could work off the interest,” she said coyly, pulling on a lock of her hair and leaning forward suggestively, making sure her tits were on display. “I bet I could relax those tense shoulders of yours.” She fluttered her eyelashes.

I barked out a laugh. “Not even remotely interested, sweetheart. You may have used your magic pussy on my manager, but that shit doesn’t work on me.”

She sat up, annoyed. She swung one leg in aggravation, thinking hard. I could almost hear the cogs of her brain working.

“My sister. You could have my sister. I’ll get the fifty, and you can have her for the rest.”

Her words caught me off guard, which was a rare thing. “I beg your pardon?”

Her voice dropped more. “She’s a virgin. I bet that’s something in your world, right? You could have her for fun or sell her to someone for a night or something. Forever, I don’t care. But that would probably make you more than the interest, am I⁠—”

She didn’t have a chance to finish. I was across the desk, my hand wrapped tight around her throat before she completed the sentence. “You’re offering to sell me your sister? A human being? You would let her have sex with a stranger, or even a group of strangers, to erase a debt that you owe?”

She clawed at my hand, and I let go. “You are despicable,” I spat.

“I thought your kind went for that sort of thing,” she gasped, her voice rough.

“My kind?” I sneered.

“Mafia men.”

“You have confused me with the Santinis. Go peddle your offer to them. I run a legitimate business here.”

“With extortion on the side.”


