Secrets and Kisses (Blue Ridge Magic #2) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70014 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 350(@200wpm)___ 280(@250wpm)___ 233(@300wpm)

My dragon.

From one minute to the next, he was Daddy and then he was dragon…and instead of pushing away the soft voice in my head, I thought about all the books I’d read and tried to bring it closer.


There was a soft chuckle that I would’ve ignored before, but knowing it was Boyd, I closed my eyes and reached for him.

You’re magic. This is supposed to be easy. Kenzie’s books said so.

And there was more laughter, that time filling my head like he was standing in the dark with me.

Open your eyes, teaspoon.

Ugh. Daddy.

He was so ridiculous, but he was right there in front of me as I opened my eyes. “That’s so weird.”

More laughter seemed to bounce around in my head.

No, it’s mates and it’s the most incredible feeling.

Daddy’s awe felt huge as his emotions seemed to seep through the link between us as I stepped closer and ran a hand down his head. “You’re so incredible.”

He nuzzled my hand, a smiling feeling filling my head.

You have to tell Kenzie I’m the most beautiful dragon.

“You really want me to start World War III over a dragon with a lot of confidence?” I loved Daddy but I wasn’t sure I loved him that much.

You love me, huh?


As I crashed my head into his, trying to hide from his laughter and his delight, I huffed. “I forgot you could read my mind. That’s cheating.”

No, that’s you being adorable and being the first to say I love you.


“No, I do not agree with that assessment of the situation, but I’m waiting.” Kenzie would’ve definitely started tapping his foot but Daddy didn’t make me wait long enough to get to that point.

I love you, my mate.

Once the words were out there between us, the tiny dragons whirling inside of me landed and everything was calm…perfect.

I love you too, Daddy.

Fly with me?

Always, Daddy.

Following the image he put into my head, I straightened and climbed up on his back. It wasn’t like anything I’d ever done, but it was almost familiar as I settled into place and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Ready.”

It was magic.

There was almost a bubble around us and then air seemed to catch his wings and we were off. Words couldn’t describe the rush that went through me as he took us into the air and the world fell away.

We were flying.

Oh, Daddy.

I knew he could understand what I was feeling by the emotions I was getting from him, love and togetherness and something bigger than the both of us combined. I could’ve stayed like that forever but too soon we circled the house and then slowly landed on the ground.

Giving him one big hug as I swallowed back the confusing emotions, I slid off his incredible body and hurried back to give him the space to change. From one moment to the next, his dragon body shifted to his human one and then I was in his arms.

“That was incredible.” There had to be a better word, a bigger one, but I lost them all as he hugged me tight and his lips took mine in a rush of pleasure and domination.

“You were incredible.” He kissed along my jaw, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me like I was light as a feather as he carried me over to my nest. “My incredible mate.”

As he laid me down on the soft pile, he stretched out over me and kissed me again, pouring everything he was feeling into that beautiful touch. But it didn’t end there, each kiss and caress making it even more wonderful, and it was almost like I was feeling the passion inside and out.

Real or imagined, it didn’t matter because I knew he loved me and I could see how much I meant to him in every passionate glare and sweet smile.

“I love you.” Holding him tight as he kissed down my throat, I shivered as he nibbled and sent sparks through me. “Make love to me. Let me feel you inside me.”

His love and his laughter had already been inside me, and now I wanted all of him.

Nodding, he gave me another soft brush of his lips before pulling away. Part of me wanted to protest, but then his hands slowly went to work teasing me and loving me as he gently removed my clothes.

When it was just the two of us and nothing in between, he pulled lube out from under one pillow and smiled at my whispered word. “Magic.”

“Just for you.” He kissed me softly as his hands loved on every inch of me, and I held him tight as he brought us closer and closer together. “My mate.”

The words echoed inside me, but before I could get them to form, the beautiful sound of the lube and his hand coming between my legs pushed every thought out of my head. All I could do was moan and whine into his kisses as one finger became two and the burn pushed the need even higher.


