Sincerely Up Yours – Grumpy Boss Comedy Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 85593 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

I tightened my laces and left the apartment. I needed to get all the stress and doubts out of my system, because I’d fully planned to enjoy the rest of today with Darcy. Besides, she thought she was too sore for more sex, but I was going to enjoy showing her there were ways to work around that soreness and still give her the orgasms she deserved.



Dominic came back from his run and hopped straight in the shower. He left the door cracked open and had to know, but didn’t care, that I could see him stripping down. I was laying on the bed with my phone and had a straight shot of his firm ass and broad, tapered back. I could even see him scrubbing soap on his hard body in the shower for a little while until the glass fogged up.

I squirmed a little uncomfortably. I didn’t know it was possible to maintain such a constant level of arousal. I’d never come close to having sex like we had together. It was just… Different. Dominic seemed like he was completely in tune with every part of me. He knew when I was nearing the edge and he sadistically enjoyed bringing me right to the brink of orgasm and lingering there as long as he pleased.

He was also big. I could still feel the ache from where he’d taken me again and again. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but I really wasn’t sure I could handle him again today.

I was idly scrolling TikTok videos and watching one of a little kid who had an unusually strong love of corn–a food he described as a delicious lump with the knobs. I was grinning at the dumb video when an email came through from Jasmine. I tapped it and read the subject line, heart pounding.

Jasmine Marshall

Subject: Job Opportunity

Hey Darcy, I hope all is well. It turns out leaving The Squawker might have been the best decision I’ve ever made. Last week, I started working as a lead editor for The Union Coast. We just lost two long-time writers on my team to retirement and the bosses are looking for someone young and energetic with a strong work ethic. Sound like anyone you know?

Anyway, I think I can hold the position open for a couple weeks at most. The ladies who left knew they were on the way out for months, so they worked ahead and gave us some material to tide us over while we do a job search. It’s not completely up to me, but I’m sure I can get you in for an interview and I can put in a great word for you. Just let me know, okay?

I hope all is well with you (Just not so well that you don’t want to come join me!)



My heart hadn’t stopped pounding. I was laying there in bed like I’d just run a marathon–or at least like twenty steps with my cardiovascular system. My dad would’ve been over the freaking moon if I told him about this email. He’d have me doing mock interviews at the house immediately. He’d be calling all his friends to see if he could put in any additional good words for me.

I should’ve been thrilled, but…

Dominic came out from the bathroom wrapped in a towel with his hair wet. He used a smaller towel to rub his hair and leaned in the doorway, looking at me. “What is it?”

“Nothing!” I set the phone down beside me and tapped the power button to turn the screen off. “I was just waiting for you to finish.”

He nodded and came in to lay on top of the covers beside me. He stared ahead, jaw muscles ticking and brow furrowed.

“What’s going on with you?” I asked. “You look stressed.”

“I’m fine,” Dominic said.

“Okay.” I curled up beside him, resting my head on his bare shoulder and breathing in the scent of his freshly cleaned body. Something was definitely wrong, but I didn’t think pressing him on it was going to help get the truth out of him. “Hey,” I said. “I really want some pizza today. Pizza and a rom com. That would be the perfect day for me. Oh, and a box of wine.”

He turned, momentarily pulled from his funk to stare at me. “Pizza and rom com. Yeah, I get that part. But boxed wine? You realize I can afford to get the good stuff if you want it, right?”

“No,” I shook my head, smiling as I sat up cross legged on the bed beside him. “I want the cheapest, greasiest pizza we can find. And I want boxed wine. It’s what me and Charleston used to have on weekends back in high school.”

“You’re sure you two never fucked?” he asked.

Normally, I found myself getting annoyed quickly when guys were jealous. But with Dominic, it felt more like possessiveness than jealousy. He wasn’t so much worried that I would have feelings for another guy. It was more like he had decided I belonged to him and he wanted me all to himself. I could picture Elizabeth or Charleston debating me on how those two were basically the same thing, but they weren’t. I kinda liked feeling like I was his, so his question made me smile.


