Speak No Evil – The Book of Caspian – Part 1 Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 70429 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 352(@200wpm)___ 282(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

She gestured animatedly, on a roll now. “I am feminine. I am outspoken. I am determined. I am flawed. I make mistakes. I learn from them. I am spiritual. I am not woke but I am not asleep. I don’t mess wit’ men who have children but lie about their existence. That’s an ultimate no-no.

“I will date a man with kids as long as he takes care of ’em, and he don’t have multiple baby mamas. Two or less. No exceptions. That’s a matter of character. I won’t date a man who doesn’t want at least one child. My clock is tickin’, and I want to create life. It’s a selfish wish, but it’s mine and I deserve it. I will do a long-distance relationship, as long as I and that person see each other frequently, and he flies me out often. We do FaceTime, and we make plans to get together often. Living together or married. I want to be in a long-term relationship but I work a lot, and I need someone to understand that I am serious about my art. When I’m in the creative zone, I want to be left the hell alone. I can’t stand insecure men, but I do understand men’s desire to possess their women. Please know though when to lay off and chill out. I’m not a jealous woman but what is mine is mine, and if I and some dude are committed to each other, then that is my lips on his face and everything else on his body. If he shares his lips, hands, or penis with anyone else in a sexual or romantic way, then that’s a deal breaker. Does that answer your question?”

Her water came and she offered another polite thank you, smothered in Southern charm.

“It most certainly does.” He placed his napkin across his lap.

“Now, you tell me what you wanted to be open and frank with me about. I’m hungry,” she pointed at the salad bar, “but I want to hear this first.”

“I’m going to use your style of speaking… the bullet point style. It seems rather effective for this conversation.”

“That’s fine. Just let it be the truth, whatever style you use.”

“I am none of the things you described that you don’t want… so we’re in the clear there. I’m almost thirty-eight years old. I’m pretty much past the game playin’ and sowin’ wild oats stage.”

“I’m thirty-four. I can deal with a four-year difference. That’s no big deal.”

He nodded and took another sip of water. “I’m dating multiple women right now.” Her brow rose. “Yes, I have been dating multiple women, but I am committed to none. I’m not afraid of commitment though. In fact, that’s what I ultimately want. I am looking for someone I could see myself with long term. I’m only gettin’ married one time.” He held up his finger to stress that point. “When I decide I’ve found the right one, the other women will be instantly out of the picture.”

“This ain’t the Bachelor show.” She chortled. “I ain’t gonna lie. You are fine, Caspian. You look damn good. I’m kinda shallow about the men I enjoy dating. I like pretty mothafuckas and I ain’t afraid to declare it. You fit the bill. You have a great career, too, and accordin’ to Zillow, you live in a nice condo with a pool that I wouldn’t mind visiting.”

He smirked at that.

“You smell sexy and sensual,” she went on. “Lets me know you can pick out a decent cologne. Your voice is what made me turn to butter though. It’s so damn deep and sexy, and you got that nice, thick Southern drawl—but I ain’t competing or fightin’ over no man.” She tapped her finger on her water glass. “I’m the prize. Get into it.”

“We’re both the prize, and now I want you to shhhh…” He placed his finger to his mouth and her eyes bucked, as if offended. “I let you speak, go through that entire tirade uninterrupted. It’s my turn.” She pursed her lips but remained quiet. “I didn’t mention the other women to make you try and compete for me. It was in the effort of honesty. When I’m committed to someone, I simply am. I am not a cheater. I’m not prone to lying, though I have in order to get my way.”

Her eyebrows rose again, and then she looked somewhat detached, though she smiled through it.

“I want someone who matches my energy. I’ve had a challenging life. It’s made me a challenging person to deal with at times.”

“Haven’t we all had a challenging life? Oh, sorry.” She sucked her teeth and crossed her arms.

“I say all of that to say, those challenges have made me who I am today. I can be stubborn. Cruelly sarcastic. I can be resentful. Envious. I have been told due to how I speak, the natural flatness of my tone, it seems as if sometimes I’m not interested. That’s not always true, but that’s how it comes across. That’s great for being a newscaster or podcaster, but not so much for relationships. I don’t always react the way people think I should to tragedies and celebrations.”


