Stranded with a Ravenous Shifter Read Online Olivia T. Turner

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, Novella, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 25
Estimated words: 23981 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 120(@200wpm)___ 96(@250wpm)___ 80(@300wpm)

Those warm comforting arms squeeze me tightly as he starts driving down the highway at a reckless speed.

“Give me your feet,” he commands.

“My f-feet?”

He reaches down, grabs them, and swallows all ten of my toes in his big warm hand. It slowly brings life back into them.

I’m worried we’re going to end up on the side of the road again, maybe upside down this time, but he’s an excellent driver and we stay in the middle of the lane.

His warmth engulfs me as the wind and snow whip in through the window I kicked out. I bury my face into his warm chest and focus on the beating of his heart as he takes me… I don’t know where he’s taking me…

“I have to get to Caldwell,” I tell him in a shaky voice thanks to my chattering teeth.

“That’s over one hundred miles away,” he says in a deep voice that rumbles through me. “I’m bringing you to my cabin.”

Normally, I’d be fighting with a naked stranger who was trying to force me into his weird little secluded cabin in the mountains, but I just stare at his Adam’s apple and nod. “Okay.”

I guess I’m heading to this naked guy’s cabin…

In the mountains…

Where no one will ever find me…

Not worrisome at all.

Chapter Four


I’m clinging onto my girl as I drive this shit car down the icy highway as fast as I can. The tires are practically bald, and the protective side of me wants to give her a lecture on road safety, but she’s in no condition for that.

The poor girl keeps shaking. She’s trembling non-stop with purple lips. But it’s that nasty gash on her nose that I’m really worried about.

I keep looking down at it as I cradle her to my chest, hoping the warmth of my naked body is enough to keep her from entering hypothermic shock.

“We’re almost there,” I whisper to her as I yank the car off the highway and head onto the road that leads to my property. There’s so much snow. The car is barely making it through. It’s groaning and squealing as I push it beyond what it was designed for.

Come on, I say, willing the engine to make it.

My cabin is in view when it finally dies. The engine just gives out with a pathetic sputter, and the heater turns off. The dashboard goes dark.

“What happened?” my girl asks as those stunning green eyes dart up to mine. She’s so breathtaking. Even with her face covered in blood, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s my mate. No doubt at all.

My grizzly smelled her on the cold wind and we both knew immediately. It was like a shock to the system. Her scent burned like fire as it blazed down our throat.

“The car died,” I whisper as I hold her a little tighter. “But my cabin is just up ahead. I’ll carry you to it.”


I slide my arm under her legs and around her back. I kick the door open and then carry her, running toward my cabin through the thick snow.

Even though I’m naked, the cold doesn’t bother me. But I know it’s different for her. She’s already been out here for way too long. I have to get her warmed up inside before frostbite begins claiming parts of this stunning body that I’m already becoming obsessed with.

Why is she wearing a wedding dress?

That question keeps nibbling at the back of my mind, but I push it out every time it rears its ugly face. I can’t focus on that right now. I need to get her to safety first.

She’s clinging to me as I open the front door and bring her inside.

Her teeth are still chattering as I look around. The fireplace is cold. The bath is going to take too long to fill. She needs warmth and I’m the best option to give it to her.

I bring her to my bedroom and lay her on the bed.

“I’ll be right back,” I say as I run to the bathroom, dump some bubble bath into the tub, and turn it on.

Before the water even hits the ceramic, I’m back in my room, going to her.

She looks shell-shocked as she sits on the bed, watching me with stunned eyes. Her hair is a wild mess, she has dried blood coating her skin from the top of her nose all the way down to her chest, and her wedding dress is a bloody nightmare. She looks like a bride from a Stephen King novel.

But even still, I wouldn’t want anyone else.

She’s mine.

That word reverberates through my body as I stare at her. She’s my mate. The one I’ve been waiting for. The one I’ve been dying to touch and hold and kiss.

And she’s finally here.


