The Broken Queen (Forsaken #2) Read Online Penelope Sky

Categories Genre: Dark, Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Forsaken Series by Penelope Sky

Total pages in book: 129
Estimated words: 127722 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 639(@200wpm)___ 511(@250wpm)___ 426(@300wpm)

“They don’t serve us,” I said. “They’re our allies.” I’d already said that once, and I’d better not have to say it again.

Huntley turned to me. “Her Highness means that in a different way than you’re interpreting. Everyone here serves Queen Rolfe. Not literally, but by loyalty and of free will.”

“Just want to make it very clear that the dragons will not be enslaved by any master ever again, and if that’s your intention, then I’ll no longer be your ally.” The words left my mouth with the sharpness of Huntley’s ax, and my eyes had no hint of regret.

Queen Rolfe stared at me with stony silence. “It is not my intention.”

“Then we won’t have any problems.”

Queen Rolfe turned to Ian. “I appoint you as HeartHolme’s keeper. You fought bravely against Necrosis, and I have full confidence that you will protect our people in my absence.”

Ian stared at the table before he finally gave a subtle nod.

Huntley watched his brother.

“Your task is to investigate the whereabouts of Ice and harvest as much as you can. Elora will need it to outfit our army with as many weapons as she can. I believe we won’t hear from Necrosis for a while, but I have no doubt they’ll return eventually, even if they think the dragons are here.”

Ian gave another nod. “Yes, Your Highness.”

“And you’re to detain the mysterious man Elora spoke with. I want to know everything about him—and who holds his allegiance.”

Ian nodded again.

“We’ll send our missives by crow—and hope they can make it to the top of the cliffs.”

“I’m sure our falcons will be able to do it,” Commander Dawson said. “Communication will be imperative at this time, especially if the Teeth and Plunderers realize that the queen is absent from HeartHolme.”

“What of the outpost?” Ian asked. “We can’t leave it abandoned. It’ll be overrun, and we won’t be able to reclaim it.”

“Send Geralt,” the queen said. “He’ll be in command of it now.” She looked around the table. “If there are no other concerns, we’ll prepare for our journey in the morning.”

Huntley turned to his mother. “Elora did an incredible job outfitting the dragons. I hope you express your awe as well as your gratitude. She didn’t take up a sword in battle, but she’s won our wars.”

Queen Rolfe stared at him for a long time, and her stony stare was even more intense than his. “You’re dismissed.”

We all left the table, and I was happy to be out of there.

“Huntley, stay.”

Commander Dawson and Ian walked out, and I took up the rear.

“You too, Ivory.”

I stilled in front of the door, and instead of walking through it, I closed it.

Queen Rolfe addressed Huntley. “Speak to me like that again in front of an audience, and I will strip you of all your titles. Do you understand me?” She scolded him without raising her voice, without even appearing angry.

Huntley remained quiet.

“If you want to comment on my parenting abilities, you will do so in private.”

“It’s the first time I’ve heard you acknowledge that she’s your daughter in over a decade.”

The tension was so thick it felt like a cloud of smoke was in the room. I didn’t want to be there, didn’t want to feel her hostility and wrath.

Queen Rolfe stared him down. “If Klaus had raped your wife while in captivity, and she gave birth to a boy who had his eyes and his teeth, would you love it like your own?” As if she had a knife between his ribs, she twisted it and dug even deeper.

Huntley remained still, but his breathing changed, and that gave away his cards.

Her eyes shifted back and forth between his. “So, don’t you dare judge me, Huntley. Because we both know you would kill that child the second it emerged from her womb. Stab it right in its little beating heart.”

He couldn’t hold her gaze any longer.

I’d never seen Huntley break contact first.

“My husband is still alive because he lives in you. Every time I look at your face, I see the man I pledged my life to. His soul is gone from my reach, so my soul withers a little more every day. If I didn’t have sons who bore his resemblance and spirit, I would have taken my own life long ago. That is the greatest testament to my love for you two—the fact that I’m still here. I know we don’t agree on everything, and I know I’m harsh sometimes, but you’ve never once doubted my affection. I can’t pretend to feel that way toward Elora. I won’t insult her by pretending that my love for her is comparable to my love for you. Perhaps that makes me a monster, but I really don’t care.”

Huntley still didn’t look at her.

“I’m grateful that you and your brother can see your similarities more than your differences, that you can give her the love I never could. I understand she’s a victim as much as I am and doesn’t deserve my absence, but I also don’t deserve to be burdened by this issue for the rest of my life.”


