The Current Between Us Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 113741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 569(@200wpm)___ 455(@250wpm)___ 379(@300wpm)

“Then I doubt he’ll say anything to you,” Porter said as they walked toward the doors.

“I have to try,” Gage said as they got to the doors.

“We need the video feed turned off,” General Porter said to the men standing in front of the two massive doors.

“Sir, we can’t, it’s against policy,” one of the two officers said, never looking at either one of them. “And, sir, civilians aren’t allowed inside the room at any point.”

“Young man, I do not need you to explain procedure to me. Turn the monitors off. Remove your men from the room, and that’s an order from the President of the United States.” There seemed to still be some hesitation which Gage found he appreciated. If they kept this attitude with Abdulla, he might not ever see the light of day again, which meant good things for Trent and the children.

“The order just came through. Sir, we would like to keep the monitors on, but the sound off in order to be available if you need us,” a guard from behind a desk said as he came to the front of the desk. Porter looked over at Gage, and he nodded his approval.

“It’s fine. Let’s get this done,” the general said.

“Yes, sir.” The guard who kept them from the room dismantled the security of the door and opened it, allowing General Porter in first and then Gage. The room’s dark gray steel walls were in complete contrast to the bright white of everything inside the building. A table stood in the middle of the room with two chairs on either side of it. Abdulla sat in one, chained to the floor. He no longer wore his robe, but sat in his own clothing of elastic waist cotton long shorts, and a tank top style undershirt. Without the hood, Gage could see Hunter more clearly in this man. He was dark headed and his face shaven. Even with the plastic surgery of the last few years, Abdulla was still a very handsome man. He could see how Lynn fell so hard for him. He just couldn’t understand how he’d hidden the evil. It seemed to radiate from him as he sat staring at the wall in front of him.

When Gage got approval, he stepped farther inside the small room. The MP stationed at the door received his orders to leave, and with a look of uncertainty, he left, shutting General Porter and Gage inside the room with Abdulla. Porter stayed at the door, but Gage moved forward and walked a full circle around Abdulla. After a minute, he stopped in front of the guy and took the seat directly across from him, studying him closely. One thing about the way his reports played out, he rarely got this close up and personal with the suspects. This was different for him.

He took a minute to gather himself, but the entire time, he stared at Abdulla who wouldn’t take his eyes off the wall behind Gage. After a minute he scooted into his line of sight, but even then, Abdulla wouldn’t focus on him. His eyes were blank, staring at nothing.

“I’m going to cut straight to the root of my reason for being here, Ahmed Abdulla, aka Benito Bugiardini, aka Rennie Depaul, aka Aaron Adams, Emalynn and Hunter’s biological sperm donor,” Gage said, and paused as the full weight of Abdulla’s gaze moved to Gage’s eyes. He never said a word, but the stare spoke volumes as hate shot out at him. Gage stayed firm, unmoved by the evil glaring back at him and continued. “Yes, there we go, much better.”

Gage let the words hang there a minute while he looked back at Abdulla before he continued. “Let me tell you how this is going to play out. You’re never going to breathe a word about Lynn, Hunter, Emmie, Trent, or Sophia, and in return, I’m going to make sure those kids have functional, healthy lives, never knowing what their bio dad did to this world.”

Gage leaned in across the table as Abdulla continued to stare at him, not saying a word. “Now, let me tell you what’s going to happen if you decide to go against my request. Your days are numbered, that’s not ever gonna change, but what can change is how these last few days of your life play out. Now, listen closely, you even say their names and General Porter’s gonna give me a call, then I’m calling Karzai… Yeah, I can see by the look in your eyes, you know where this is going. They’ll be made aware of your part in the massacre of their women, and those male children… I and I alone have the proof you orchestrated the violent attack against those children, even after you took their money to bomb the US Embassy in Afghanistan. Our military prisons are full of Taliban prisoners… Porter here is gonna make sure each of them has regular access to your chained up ass until the day you die. Got that?”

Silence. Abdulla stared back at him, his expression unchanging.

“You need to tell me you understand, and you need to know I’m not bluffing in the least,” Gage said, his hands linked together on the table, his gaze never wavered as he spoke, but was met with more silence. They stared at each other for several minutes, before Gage grew outwardly disgusted. This must work… They had come so far, there were no other bargaining chips at his disposal… Gage needed to be able to tell Trent they were safe and mean it. But, then again why would he ever think this slime would grow a conscience and give Trent the peace he needed to get on with his life.

“You disgust me. I have no idea how those children could have turned out so precious coming from you. You need to hear me and hear me well. You keep your motherfucking mouth shut about them. I don’t give a shit if you keep your mouth closed up tight about everything, but I’m telling you, this government, this prison, won’t be able to stop the hell I’ll rain down on your sorry ass if you breathe their names from this moment forward!” Gage stood, slamming his hand down on the table, trying to do anything to gain a reaction from Abdulla, but the man sat there silently staring at him. “You’re a piece of sorry ass shit, you motherfucker. Let’s go, Porter.”


