The Homecoming Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57499 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 287(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 192(@300wpm)

Looking at her, having had her under me, feeling her, knowing her. I was convinced more than ever, that she's to be cherished-comforted-loved. Not terrorized and nearly brutalized by a piece of shit asshole who doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air.

I should’ve cleaned his fucking clock when I had the chance, the force be damned. How could he, or anyone have done what he’d done to her, knowing that she was an innocent? Is that why he’d cheated on her, because she wouldn’t sleep with him? What an ass.

My gut turned at the thought of him trying to take her virginity in such a brutal way. The more I learned about this fucker, the more I hated him, and the more I saw what kind of man he really was. I could see him for a murder no doubt, and not because I was looking for an excuse to fuck him over.

He must’ve really pulled a fast one in the beginning to get her to even give him the time of day. The girl I know would never have fallen for someone like this guy. That got me to thinking about who else he’d snookered, and what else he was hiding besides his black heart.


I left the bed only long enough to grab my laptop from its case in the other room. It's in bad form, but I almost wanted Carter to be involved in the missing man's case, so I could bury his ass.

On the other hand, if he was involved, then he could prove dangerous. He'd want to cover his tracks well, keep things in the dark.

Shania, by the very definition of her profession, would be a threat to him, add the personal aspect and you have a cocktail for disaster. I needed to get an angle on him and soon.

I pulled up the file I'd started on the victim. So far all I knew was that he'd been working on some top-secret government assignment that paired him with agents from other agencies, here and abroad.

Of course it didn't say what that mission was, but I've also been gathering some background info on my guy, to see exactly what his field of interest in the bureau was. From there it would be rather easy to decipher what exactly he was into, and who he was working with.

There was also the question of who had pulled the trigger. Carter's whereabouts can be easily verified. And as much of a dick as he is, I didn't think the prick would be so careless as to come all this way to commit the murder of a known colleague.

Not when you factored in his history with Shania, and the fact that only someone who knew the ins and outs of The Cove would’ve known to dump a body there.

But I did think he could be sick enough to use something she might've mentioned to him in passing, like the secret cove, as kind of a fuck you to her, or whatever fucked up reasons he had. With that said, he had to have had help. I just needed to find out who that might be.

The more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that he had something to do with this man's death, and not just because I wanted to nail him for what he did to my woman. It just made perfect sense to my cop brain. I mean, what are the odds that the body was dumped here and now Carter is working the case, I'm not that gullible.

If I pulled on that string, where would it lead me, or would it lead anywhere? And what game was he playing? Maybe he didn’t know that she wouldn’t be alone. Whatever he’d had planned, he had no way of knowing about me and what I was willing to do to stand between him and her.

If it turned out that I was pissing in the wind, and that this was all just coincidence, which I scoff at, then there was another reason for him being here, and that could only be her. Either way he was fucked.

My next step was finances. It's not easy getting financial records and if I log in with my badge it would leave a trail. I didn't want to send up any red flags, so I would have to do things in a less by the book way; but still in a way that would allow me to use my findings if the need arose.

Basically I'm fishing for now, but if I should catch anything on the line, I'll have to backtrack and get warrants and my boss's approval to go ahead.

The latter shouldn't be too hard, since he already had a hard on for the feds and Carter in particular, because of his douche bag attitude.


