The Image of You Read Online Melanie Moreland

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Drama, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 113142 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 566(@200wpm)___ 453(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

She regarded me astutely and leaned close. “I know who you are, boy.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Do you now?”

She was direct. “You’re the reason Alexandra is glowing this evening.”

“You think?”

“Don’t play dumb with me.”

I sipped my scotch. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t want to take credit for making her happy?”

My expression gave me away. “It’s Ally’s news to share.”

She took my glass, then sipped at the golden liquid. “For the money they charge for these things, they could bring in a better vintage.” Then she chuckled. “Ally? That’s going to go over well with Sarah and Ronald. They dislike nicknames.”

I narrowed my eyes, taking back my glass. She was right about the scotch, but it was better than nothing. “I don’t much give a fuck about Sarah and Ronald.”

She surprised me by clapping her hands in delight. “Oh, I’m going to like you, boy.”

I smiled—the first real one of the night I’d bestowed other than to Ally. “That’s a good thing. I’m already fond of you.”

She pursed her lips. “You’re older than she is.”

“Eight years isn’t a lot.”

“I think you’ve crammed a lot of living into those years.” With a sly grin, she ruffled my hair. “I see the evidence here.”

“Ally should be grateful I don’t take after my father. He was as bald as a billiard ball at thirty. I can live with some silver.”

“It suits you.”

I winked at her teasing. “Like what you see, woman?”

She sniffed and turned her head, but her lips curled into a grin.

“That’s a rather risqué picture you’ve donated.”

“It’s a work of art. Something I created.”

She shook her head impatiently. “Alexandra has spent many afternoons in my pool.” This time, it was her eyebrow that arched knowingly. “I recognize those freckles.”

A grin broke out on my face. “Enchanting, aren’t they?”

“You made a huge mistake, though.”

“Oh? Do tell.”

“Someone is going to walk out of here with that picture. That lovely, enchanting picture—the subject, who obviously means so much to you.” She narrowed her eyes. “And you have to sign it for them, I believe.”

I lifted her hand and brushed a kiss along the paper-thin skin. “Madame, you underestimate me.”

She shrugged as people returned to their seats to start the bidding. “We’ll see, boy. We’ll see.”

I watched the action around me during the auction. Most of the items hit high numbers, but I knew mine would blow them all out of the water. I didn’t like everyone ogling the image of Ally in my photograph. I knew they had no idea who it was, but it didn’t matter. No one would ever see it again after tonight.

Except me.

My item came up for auction, and I sat back, relaxed. Her parents had walked past it, barely sparing it a glance. Bradley had looked at it, not knowing what he saw, proving to me he didn’t know her intimately at all. Ally had stared, her eyes wide, shocked. She knew.

And the brilliant, all-knowing Elena knew.

The bidding started at five thousand. It jumped to ten fast. I remained relaxed as it continued to escalate. When it hit twenty-five thousand, I smiled benignly and sipped my scotch.

“I hope you’re ready to sign your name soon.” Elena frowned.

“Not a problem.”



I tapped one word on my phone.


“One hundred thousand!” a voice shouted from across the room.

There were gasps of disbelief, a round of applause, and just like that, it was done.

Elena shook her head, then grinned. “You are good,” she mused.

I snickered into my glass. Thanks to my business manager, John Reynolds, I had bought my own piece.

“She’s so worth it.”

She sighed and offered me a smile. A rich, honest smile.

“Finally,” she murmured. “She finally has someone real.”

I nodded. “She has. And no matter what anyone else thinks, I’m here to stay.”

“I like you, boy. I want you to come for tea.”

“Make it coffee and scotch, and I’ll bring the scotch.”

She laughed, a boisterous sound loud in the quiet hum of the room.

“Soon,” she insisted.


After the last few auction items were sold, people began to mill around. I stood, once again kissing Elena’s hand. “I’m going to go and mingle. I look forward to coffee.”

Her gaze drifted over the table where Ally sat with Bradley and her parents. “Watch yourself, boy. They bite.”

I took off my jacket, hanging it over the back of my chair. I released my hair from the tight knot I’d had it in and let it fall around my ears. Slowly, I rolled up my sleeves, exposing my ink-covered forearms. I grinned down at her as I flexed my muscles. “So do I.”

She eyed my hair and arms, her eyebrows high and her eyes glowing. One shaky finger trailed along a long black line of ink. “My husband had a tattoo. I found it rather sexy.”

“Really,” I drawled with a grin.

She winked at me, her expression saucy. I could imagine her in her youth, mischievous and bright with life.


