The Road to Love – Box Set Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 51
Estimated words: 47191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 236(@200wpm)___ 189(@250wpm)___ 157(@300wpm)

“Nice chatting with you.” There’s nothing to say or do. This guy has it in his head that Lily is his, and that only solidifies we’ll need to go see Graham tomorrow. My back is to him. That doesn’t mean I’ve let my guard down. If anything, my senses are heightened. That’s why, when I feel a whoosh of air coming towards me, I duck out of the way, not allowing him to hit the back of my head. Fucking coward. Dumb bastard can’t do it face to face, has to wait until my back is turned. My arm shoots out, fingers going around his throat, slamming him against the wall.

“Don’t you ever fucking touch me.” He shoots his arms up in the air, his eyes darting down the hallway, and I should have fucking known. “Help!” he squeals out like the cocksucker he is, but this dipshit is smarter than I thought, especially when the manager is already pointing his finger, speaking so fast I can barely hear him.

“Yeah, yeah, waste of fucking sperm,” I grumble but let him go. This is not the way I was hoping to spend my evening with Lily.

“Stay there, don’t go anywhere. The cops are on their way.” Of course, this couldn’t have happened in Cherry Falls. It would happen in another fucking town.

“I’m not leaving.” I back away from Chad, seeing a self-satisfied look on his face.

“Now, who’s in trouble,” the dumbass mocks. I don’t say anything. There’s nothing like adding fuel to the fire.

“Beau,” I hear Lily’s voice, full of distress. She darts out of the way of the manager. He looks on with a look of disgust.

“Come here, honey.” My arm pulls her into me, my head dips down to let her know what’s happening. “Seems old Chad here tried something, meaning I had to put my hands on him. There’s no witness. Going to need you to grab my phone and keys. Call Graham. Let him know what’s going on. The way this dumbass is acting, he’ll be pressing charges. I’m more than likely going to get arrested.”

“Oh, Beau, this is all my fault.” I hear the hitch in her throat. My eyes move to hers. I cup her cheek, dip down so we’re eye to eye.

“No, it’s not. It’s Chad’s, and honey, even if you weren’t involved, anytime someone takes a swing at me, I’m going to defend myself. Now, you’ll have to pay the bill tonight. I’ll need my wallet, and there isn’t enough cash in it. We’ll settle that later. After that, go to my truck, get your fine-as-hell ass in it, make that call for me, and as soon as Graham knows what’s going on, you head to my house. I don’t want them to drag you into this, not right now, okay?”

“I don’t want to leave you. What if something else happens, and I’m not here?” Lily’s arms wrap around my shoulders.

“Nothing will happen to me, but it will put my mind at ease to know you’re safe and wrapped up in my bed at home when this shit is settled. Graham will have me home before you know it, okay?”

“Beau… I lo—” she starts to say, but I cut her off with my mouth, giving her a soft kiss.

“Not yet. You save those words for when we’re together in a place alone without dumbasses standing everywhere. You’re mine, Lily, and I’ll forever be yours.”

“Fine. Be a fun sucker again,” she jokes, but I know it’s not just for her benefit; it’s for mine too.

“That’s me. I’ll see you soon, very soon. It’d be a hell of a present to come home and have you naked in bed.” My cock is already twitching at the thought alone.

“Hmm, we’ll have to see about that. Come home to me, Beau.” She kisses me.

“Always, honey.” I watch her as she leaves, seething on the inside, hating that one guy has the power to make my woman this upset. My eyes lock on his, letting him see just how pissed off I am with him, and he better hope like hell I don’t see him again after this.

Chapter 16


I make it to Beau’s truck in record time, thanking God I had cash in my purse, not even sure of how much I left on the table. Only knowing that I’ll never ask for chips and salsa again, at least not from here. The store-bought kind will be just fine.

“Hey, Beau,” Graham answers the phone.

“Hey, Graham, it’s not Beau but Lily. He asked me to call you. He’s being held until the cops get here because this whacko I went on a few day dates with decided to start something that Beau finished, and I’m sure said whacko will try and throw the book at Beau. We could really use your help,” I say without taking a breath.


