Vodka on the Rocks Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saint’s MC, #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 73230 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 366(@200wpm)___ 293(@250wpm)___ 244(@300wpm)

As he started to accelerate, all I could hear was the wind as it rushed past my face and the loud rumble of Casten’s motorcycle.

I never really gave much thought to riding on a motorcycle before. Although I thought they were cool looking and badass, I just wasn’t drawn to them enough to ride one.

I never planned to actually ride on one until Casten showed up in my life.

Now, it was my preferred method of transportation with him.

We’d ridden in his truck, but I noticed just how much he didn’t like it compared to riding his bike.

All the windows were always down.

He always cursed when he couldn’t see around some part of the truck.

Now though, even dressed to the nines in a tuxedo, he was completely at ease and looked happy.

I closed my eyes and breathed in Casten’s smell, wishing that we had something different than we actually did.

Wishing that our date tonight was real, and not just because he needed to bring someone to his mother’s wedding.

I daydreamed for the next forty-five minutes as we drove, winding and weaving the last ten minutes of our ride along the back roads that led up to the vineyard.

By the time he parked, I was half convinced that, maybe, we could have something.

Then he spoke.

“When you get off, try not to flash anyone those panties of yours. You might cause someone to have a coronary,” he grumbled.

How was one supposed to not flash someone while getting off when you forced them to ride a motorcycle in a dress?

He didn’t even offer me a hand as I got off the bike.

Instead, he got off and yanked the jacket away from me, pulled off his cut and yanked the jacket back on.

I dismounted, holding my helmet in front of my crotch as I did. I was happy that I didn’t give him the satisfaction of being embarrassed by me, causing someone to have a coronary in the process.

Why was I here again?

Oh, right.

I was stupid.

I placed the helmet down none too gently on the seat, then started walking away as fast as my still healing belly would allow me to move, which happened to be not fast enough to get away from the annoying man.

“Where are you rushing off to in such a hurry?” he mumbled at my side, walking like it was a leisurely stroll for him.

“To the bathroom,” I grunted when my heels caught on a rock.

If my estimation was correct, we had less than five minutes until the wedding started.

Casten steadied me, and I glared at his hand on my upper arm until he removed it with a chuckle.

“I have to go take some pictures or some shit. Then I am going to stand up next to my mom while she gets married,” he said. “Will you be okay by yourself? You can sit with Joe.”

He pointed at Joe, who had somehow magically managed to get there before we did.

How, I had no clue. They had to have left after us, but I just shook my head.

Obviously, we’d gone a different way.

I wouldn’t entertain the thought that Casten had taken a longer way just because he liked how I felt against his back.

No, those thoughts were not in my mind. Especially when he walked away from me without a backwards glance.

“Asshole,” I muttered, making my way inside.

I smiled at the woman who offered me a program, taking it graciously, like the lady I was raised to be.

But the moment I got into the bathroom, I tossed it on the counter and headed straight for the counter where I contemplated my life for entirely too long.

Once done, I walked to the counter, washed my hands, and then tried to fix my hair.

It was a mess, but I fixed it as well as I could before heading out to the wedding.

People were taking seats, and the seat beside Joe was no longer vacant, making me have to sit with people I didn’t even know.

They were involved in conversation, so I didn’t bother to introduce myself, even though that would’ve been the polite thing to do.

Instead, I studied the wedding, and grimaced at how ostentatious it was.

All I wanted for my wedding was something simple.

Me, my groom. Maybe a maid of honor and a best man.

I wanted a preacher. I wanted to be walked down the aisle by my father. And I wanted it done under the stars and the moonlight while I was barefoot.

Nothing more, and nothing less.

Not any of the streamers or the millions of roses.

Not rolls of ugly filmy fabric or flowers with names I couldn’t pronounce.

I wasn’t saying that other people shouldn’t have that, just that it wasn’t for me.

My mind started to wander as the bridesmaids started to make their way down the aisle.

I watched Casten as he stood three men deep with the groomsmen.


