Watching and Wanting Read Online Jay Northcote (Housemates #4)

Categories Genre: College, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Housemates Series by Jay Northcote

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 58003 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 290(@200wpm)___ 232(@250wpm)___ 193(@300wpm)

Jude didn’t reply.

Shawn stomped upstairs and crashed around angrily as he got out what he needed for his shower.

Once he was under the spray, his irritation receded, soothed away by the steady stream of hot water. Discomfort and a vague sense of guilt crept in to take its place. He sighed as he rinsed suds out of his hair, watching them swirl around the shower tray before disappearing down the plughole.

If only careless words could be swept away so easily. It wasn’t that he’d said anything awful, but he knew he’d hurt Jude. Denying even the possibility of anything between them wasn’t fair when he’d let Jude suck his dick, hell… he’d begged for it. Ashamed now, he realised what a coward he was. Jude didn’t deserve that, whatever their relationship was.

He got out of the shower and dried himself roughly, dragging the towel over his skin like a punishment. He’d apologise to Jude tomorrow.

Shawn was working an early shift on Saturday; he tried knocking on Jude’s door when he got home, but there was no reply. When he knocked a second time, Dev’s door opened and he peered out.

“Oh,” Dev said. “Hi, Shawn. I think Jude’s out. He left about half an hour ago.”

“Did he say where he was going?”

“Meeting a mate for drinks, I think.”

Disappointment was like a punch in Shawn’s stomach. He’d hoped to clear the air tonight, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen. “Okay, thanks.”

Shawn spent a miserable, boring evening alone in his room because he wasn’t in the mood to hang out in the living room. Instead he surfed around the web reading articles about bisexuality before getting sidetracked into watching more porn. He tried wanking to some lesbian porn just to check it still did stuff for him—it did, which was reassuring. But somehow, when he came he still ended up thinking about Jude.

On Sunday morning, Shawn woke early and went down to the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice. The house was quiet; all his housemates must still be asleep—if they were even there. Jez and Mac would be, of course, but Dev often slept at Ewan’s.

Suddenly he had the uncomfortable thought that maybe Jude had stayed somewhere else last night. He could have hooked up with someone and not come home. The rush of jealousy that flooded through him at that thought took him by surprise.

What the fuck? He had no claim on Jude; he shouldn’t care. But the idea of Jude with another guy made him feel sick to his stomach. Shaking off the pointless thoughts, he decided to go out for a run before breakfast. Maybe fresh air and exercise would shock some sense into him.

After a brisk run along the seafront, Shawn felt a little better. So he made coffee, then got himself a bowl of cereal and took them through to the living room. He turned on the TV, put on a music channel, and watched dancing women gyrating to the beat as he ate.

When he’d finished his breakfast, he took off his running shoes and stretched out on the sofa. He had a day off work today, and it was tempting to go back to bed for a while….

Shawn was trying to decide between a nap and more coffee when he heard someone coming down the stairs. The living room door opened and Jude came in.

“Morning,” Shawn said.

“Ugh,” Jude grunted.

He was pale and had shadows under his eyes. It didn’t make him any less appealing, though. Along with the dark stubble on his jaw and his shaggy mess of hair, it gave him a rakish look.

“Late night?” Shawn asked, trying to sound casual.

Jude yawned. “Yeah, just a bit.” He stretched and scratched his stomach, drawing Shawn’s attention to the bulge in his sweatpants.

Shawn was desperate to dig for more information about Jude’s night, but it was none of his business. “I was about to make more coffee. Do you want some?”

“Oh hell yes… please.”

“You look like death warmed up. Have a seat.” Shawn got up and gestured to the space he’d left.

Jude collapsed into it and curled up on his side, his hands tucked into the sleeves of his hoodie. Shawn picked up a blanket off the other sofa and chucked it at him.

“Cheers.” Jude pulled it over himself.

When Shawn came back five minutes later with two steaming mugs of coffee, he wondered if Jude had fallen asleep. His eyes were closed, a sweep of dark lashes on his pale face. But as Shawn put the mugs down on the coffee table with an audible clunk, Jude opened his eyes. “Thanks,” he croaked.

“You’re welcome.” Shawn took a seat on the end of the sofa by Jude’s feet.

Maybe now was a good time to apologise. Jude looked too tired to still be annoyed with him, and Shawn had just brought him caffeine, so… “I’m sorry about Friday night.”


