Wrong (#1) Read Online Free Book L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: , Series: Wrong Series by L.P. Lovell

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 87961 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

I glance away from him and cover my mouth with my hand, trying not to laugh. “Is that so?”

He closes his eyes and falls back against the pillows. “Mmm. And you have a dirty mouth.” He trails a finger along my bottom lip, his eyes intently staring at them. “I like you.” His eyes lull shut then pop back open, and he clears his throat. “I like your mouth, I mean. I like it so much I think you should stick my cock in it.” He laughs again and his hand drops to the bed beside him like dead weight.

“Wow, what a charmer you are.” Cute and horny apparently.

His eyes narrow and his lips curl up. “I’m just joking. Kinda…”

Is it wrong that I want to pet him right now? I like him like this, maybe I should just start spiking his whiskey or something.

“Fuck,” he groans. “You have fucked me up, doll. I’m so fucking high right now.” And then he laughs. Again.

“Well, that’s what happens when you go around getting yourself stabbed,” I tell him.

Shrugging, he looks up at me. “A, it was a scrape, and two, I’ll stab you with something, and you’ll like it,” he slurs.

Oh, dear God, did I overdose him or something? Shit. I shouldn’t laugh at him, because if he remembers any of this in the morning he will be so pissed, but I’m half tempted to film it. Caleb would love this.

“Awe, shit,” he mumbles, sighing heavily. “You have fucked me up so much my dick won’t even work.” His hand rubs over his crotch in desperation. “Why won’t it work?”

I sigh and roll my eyes. “Jude, really? You’ve just been stabbed. Your dick is fine. You don’t need to keep checking whether it’s still there.” I slap his hand away from his crotch. “Stop playing with it.”

“Fine.” He huffs again and adjusts on the bed. His eyes skim over the room, stopping on the picture of his mother and sister. He studies that picture for a few moments before his eyes languidly come over to me. Another small huff. “You think I’m a horrible fucking person, don’t you?”

I press my lips together. What a loaded question. “I think you’re a person who does horrible things.” I say quietly.

Jude’s nostrils flare and he nods, then looks back at that picture.

I can sense his anguish, and there’s this part of me that can’t help but want to ease it. Call me stupid. “I refuse to believe that you’re the monster I once thought you were.”

“You’re smarter than to believe that. You know I am.” Suddenly he grabs my hand. “But I swear I never would have brought you here. I’m sorry.”

I bite the inside of my cheek as I stare into his dark green eyes. I can’t argue with him, because it’s true, I never should have been brought here, but I guess the apology means something. This is Jude. He never apologises for anything.

“You didn’t want me here anymore than I wanted to come here, Jude.” I say, trying to ease his conscience. Why am I trying to ease his conscience? Why do I even care? Shit.

“I want you here now though,” he whispers. “Fuck, did I just say that out loud?” His eyes are fluttering. He can barely keep them opened. “I don’t want you to leave me.”

My heart clenches in my chest. God, what is he doing to me? I don’t know if I can do this. I like that he wants me here, and that is beyond fucked up. I sit up on the bed and swing my legs off the side, keeping my back to him.

His hand grabs my wrist and his fingers dig into my skin. “I know I’ve done some bad shit, but I would never really hurt you.” He draws in a large breath, possibly yawning, then says, “I would kill anyone who even thought of hurting my girl.”

My breath seizes in my lungs. “Jude, I…” Shit, what do I even say to that?

“Come here.” He tugs at my wrist, pulling me toward him, and I glance over my shoulder at him.

His eyes have gone all puppy dog. “Please,” he says. “That’s not a word I say often, you know?”

“Really, I hadn’t noticed.” Two more seconds of the eyes and I give in, laying back on the pillows next to him. I glance across at him, and he flashes me a cute smile. My heart clenches in my chest. When did he become someone who has the ability to make my heart clench? It was easier when he was just an arsehole, and as time goes on, all these small acts of good amongst the torrent of bad are starting to stand out. Jude has so much bad on his record, there should be nothing that could erase it, but slowly, my mind is starting to forget that. He’s the most dangerous man I’ve ever met, and yet I feel safe with him. I feel protected, and in his own twisted way, I feel cherished. My mind and my heart are at war with each other, and I feel like I’m about to snap from the pressure of it all.


