Boyfriend 101 Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #6)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 81426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

“Oh…oh.” Charlie clutched his chest. “Does that mean the two of you are finally fucking? I’m stuck between saying it’s about time and having my heart broken because I didn’t get to have you first.”

“Aw, no broken hearts on my watch,” Cam replied. “And we’re not…” He let the words trail off, looking at me and waiting. He was going to say we weren’t fucking, which typically I would have said myself, but the strange annoyance at Charlie wouldn’t let me. I wanted Camden to admit it, which was something I had to unpack later.

“Not what?” Charlie asked, and that was like a light bulb going off in my head. Cam was waiting for me to answer because we were supposed to be fake boyfriends, and that wouldn’t work if he went around telling people we weren’t together, which technically we weren’t, but I still didn’t like that he was going to tell the truth to Charlie.

“Holy shit! You guys are fucking! I thought you didn’t play for our team?” Charlie asked.

“He drank the water,” Cam replied.

“Huh?” Charlie’s forehead wrinkled.

And this was it. It was one thing for our friends to think we were dating, but now we were going to have to tell everyone. My hands trembled, and my throat closed up.

Cam cocked his head, looked at me, then turned to Charlie. “Nosy little thing, aren’t you?” he said playfully, almost flirtingly.

“Excuse me, can I get a drink?” a guy asked, and I turned to go do my job. Charlie and Cam were still talking.

Things picked up even more, and I had customer after customer. The next time I looked down the bar, Camden was gone.



Somehow, you made it better. No matter how much I hate myself for these…desires. You helped me forget. ~ Letter from Henry

I woke up early Saturday morning. Strangely, I’d always been a morning person. I knew Jude wasn’t. We’d talked about it plenty, but that didn’t stop me from rolling over and picking up my cell to call him.

I felt bad for walking out of Fever without saying goodbye, but things were…weird. I didn’t want shit to be weird with Jude. I didn’t do weird.

Still, things being off with Jude wasn’t something I was willing to put up with, so I called him because it was harder to avoid than a text.

“It’s early,” was the first thing he said, his voice rough from sleep. My dick perked up a bit, so I reached down and stroked it lazily.

Fuck, I wanted to tell him how hard he got me, wanted him to know I was touching myself and to ask him to touch himself too, but I wasn’t sure where in the fuck we stood; if this was something he was going to be able to do. “Good observation. The early bird catches the worm.”

“I don’t want a worm,” Jude replied, and it was on the tip of my tongue to say something like, How about my snake? But that was cheesy, and I was being respectful and all that.

“Get up before I come over there and drag you out of bed. We’re going Christmas shopping.”

“It’s November.”

“Again, good observation. I’m not sure if you’ve looked at a calendar, but this happens to be the month before December, which is when Christmas is.”

“Someone is in a mood this morning,” he said on a yawn before clearing his throat. “You’re one of those people who get their shopping done early? I don’t know why that surprises me.”

I gasped. “I’m hurt. I can’t believe you don’t realize the magic that is me at Christmas. I’m the best at giving gifts and getting shit done early. It’s weird, but it’s my thing, so again, get up before I come and get you up.” Please say something sexy, please say something sexy—

“My door is locked.”

That wasn’t sexy. Fuck, he really didn’t want me anymore. Not that Jude had ever been the biggest flirt with me. That was my job. “Yeah, well, I’m like Spiderman or something. I jump buildings in a single bound.”

“That’s not Spiderman. It’s Superman. Who even are you?”

“The guy who is about to break into your condo?”

“Ugh, fine. I’m getting up.”

“You don’t sound very excited to see me. You’re supposed to be much more enthusiastic about me. You’ve seen me, right?”

Jude chuckled, this rich, rough laugh that again, my dick liked. I ran my hand over my glans before stroking again. Oh, if he only knew. Would Jude be the type to get dirty with me? Would he let me talk him through an orgasm over the phone? Fucking someone with your words could be almost as fun as doing it literally.

Unfortunately, he didn’t tell me he’d seen me and that he wanted me. “Stop talking so I can get up and get in the shower.”

“Bossy motherfucker.”


