Boyfriend 101 Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #6)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 81426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

“But am I? When I’d never known it until I loved Rush and then didn’t feel it for another man until I was attracted to you?”

He was attracted to me. Jude fucking Sandoval wanted me. There was no way to stop it—a smile stretched across my face.

“You’re so fucking cocky. Focus, Cam.”

“I can’t help it!” It felt good as hell to hear him say he was attracted to me. “Okay…I’ll behave.” Sobering up a bit, I looked at him. “The thing is, sexuality is different for everyone. You can’t expect it to play by the same rules for each person. Some people always know, others take longer to figure things out. But if you’re searching for a label, there are options. You can be bisexual and mostly feel attraction toward women. It doesn’t have to be this even split. I sleep mostly with men, but I love women too. You can be demisexual, but I’m not sure that’s you. People who are demi don’t typically feel sexual attraction unless there’s a strong bond there. You feel attraction for people outside of me and Rush, right? Want to sleep with them?”

“Yeah,” he replied. “That doesn’t sound like me. I’ve had a lot of sex, and I really fucking wanted it.” Jude chuckled.

“Well, maybe you’re pan, which means you’re attracted to anyone regardless of gender, but I think it’s safe to say you’re not straight, and that’s what matters right now.”

“Yeah…you’re right. I just need to sort through my shit. And I don’t know if I want to act on this. It’s different with Rush now, and he doesn’t even know the depth of how I felt.”

Felt or feel, I couldn’t help but wonder.

“I think you’re saying I’m important to you and you don’t want to lose me. If that’s not the sweetest damn thing, I don’t know what is.” My hope was to lighten the mood. I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t taking this seriously, but I also wanted him to feel like this was all okay. It wasn’t a big deal. We would be fine. When he grinned and flicked me off, I knew I’d answered the right way.

But then Jude turned serious, looked at me with those blue eyes of his all curious and penetrating. “Your friendship means a lot to me.” He turned away.

Shit, this guy. He made me crazy in a way I was totally unfamiliar with. I wasn’t sure there was anything I wouldn’t do for him. “Hey,” I said, and he looked up at me. “I’m not going anywhere—sex or not. Your friendship means a lot to me too.”

Jude nodded. “Can we go back to how things were? Pretend it didn’t happen?”

We could. I didn’t want to, but I would. The most important thing was making him comfortable. Jude hadn’t had an easy time of it. “Already done, Beautiful. Now, are we going to work on our puzzle or do something cool like play a video game?”

Jude had a secret puzzle addiction, and we’d been working on one together for a while. And yeah, he liked video games, but he didn’t enjoy playing them with me as much because I always kicked his ass.

He nodded, smiled, and I knew it was the damn puzzle. Still, I stood, walked over to the small table with him, and we got to work.



Well, not obsessed. That sounds like I’m a creeper. There’s just…something about him. He sort of looks like he feels alone like me. ~ Theo

I couldn’t stop thinking about Cam and how things had gone down. It was fucking with my head. We’d still been hanging out over the past week since our chat, and I found myself watching him often—when he talked to Sawyer or when we went for a jog in the park; when he’d laugh and joke around with Rush or Ash, or how he always ruffled Linc’s hair like he was a little brother to him. The way his throat moved when he took a drink.

I’d notice the veins in his arms and how strong his hands looked, and then I’d wonder what those calluses would feel like against my skin…

That was usually when I’d snap the hell out of it and quit obsessing about him, but the next time I saw him, it started over again.

It was making me fucking crazy.

Just like at the moment. I was walking to Fever Pitch to meet Rush for lunch, so why the fuck was I thinking about Camden goddamned Burke?

I shook those thoughts from my annoying brain as I walked into the restaurant. Fever Pitch has a sports bar/grill feel to it, tucked away on Fever Street, which I’d learned was the heart of the gayborhood. Mostly it was Lincoln who called it that, and I hadn’t even known it was a thing until I moved to Fever Falls.


