Deception Read Online Free Book by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 25728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 129(@200wpm)___ 103(@250wpm)___ 86(@300wpm)

My body stirred with the burning hunger only she had ever been able to call forth from me. Yes indeed my revenge was going to be the sweetest. I would have the added bonus of her delectable body, while I destroyed her bit by bit.

I watched as her eyes widened through the windshield at the sinister smile that formed on my face. That's right my little deceiver, be afraid, be very afraid.

Almost One Year Earlier

He was too beautiful to be real, nothing about him fit a mere mortal. From his chiseled cheekbones to his burnished copper hair, he was...perfection. I felt the smile grow in my heart and spread across my face, before compulsion forced me to raise my camera and snap away. I had to capture that beauty for prosperity sake.

When he threw back his head in laughter, the sunlight glinting in his rapscallion hair I lost my heart.

We were standing before each other before I realized I had even moved. As I gazed into the most amazing green eyes I'd ever seen I wondered if I'd had too much of the Greek sun, there was no way he was real. But he smelt real, all sunshine and man with a hint of spice.

"Hello." Was that really my voice? I sounded out of breath like I'd run a mile in high heals. And when he smiled up close and personal I almost swooned. No joke like a sixteenth century maiden. Okay the maiden part was dead on, but women didn't swoon over gorgeous men in this day and age, not with television and Hollywood exposing us to them in droves.

"Hello to you too."

O.M.G that voice, tingles ran through me. I am in so much trouble, my body was misbehaving in ways it never had before. I'm not a complete dunce I know about physical attraction and pheromones and all that scientific drivel. Well there was nothing remotely clinical about what I was feeling. I wanted to get naked, with him, right now. Bad Amber, you shouldn't even think that way what would your friends say?

My eyes were eating him whole, but wonders of wonders he seemed to be doing the same.

"I'm Amber and you are?"

"Hello my Amber, I'm Colin." The feel of his hand on mine sent static shocks up my arms, I felt flushed and overheated and of course my traitorous cheeks were blazing.

Seemingly without thought he raised his hand to my cheek as if to capture the heat in the palm of his hand. Now usually I wouldn't allow a complete stranger such familiarity but things seemed to be out of my control. When he rubbed his thumb over my cheekbone I purred like a cat in heat. I kid you not.

Alright so I'm an eighteen almost nineteen year old virgin, but I should have just a tad more tack no? I mean I just met the man and already I was planning our babies' names. That's right plural. Yummers.

"You're American..." We both laughed as we came to the same conclusion and voiced it together.

"Yes I'm from Washington state, you?"

He gave me a quirky look as though disbelieving.

"Seriously, Washington?"

I nodded my assent while he laughed at some secret joke.

"Well hello neighbor I'm from Seattle."

My mouth dropped open, no wonder he was so disbelieving, what were the odds?

"Are you here on business or pleasure?" I hope I wasn't being too forward, but while I'd been planning my instant family I hadn't even stopped to think whether he might already have one or not. Although he did seem kind of young, mid twenties maybe or even a little younger I took a quick sneak peak at his left hand. No ring, though that didn't really mean anything, my heart fell just a little, it would be just my luck to meet Mr. Wonderful only to have him be married.

"My mom forced me to come here so I guess that would be pleasure. Wait that didn't come out quite right."

He laughed that killer laugh again and my nipples went on high alert. Hold it down there hussy.

"Mom thinks I work too hard so she kind of forced this vacation on me, I'll have to remember to thank her when we get back."

We? Who's we, was he here with someone else?

"Why's that?" I was almost breathless by now.

"Because if she hadn't been so forceful I wouldn't have met the most beautiful girl in the world."

He wouldn't say things like that if he were married right? I so hope he wasn't, the life of our future children depended on it. Get a grip Amber you've baked your head in the sun. There's no way this walking dreamboat could ever really be interested in someone like you, he's probably just being nice because you're from the same place. Yes but he was smiling and touching me before he knew that.


