Deception Read Online Free Book by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 25728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 129(@200wpm)___ 103(@250wpm)___ 86(@300wpm)

"Are you here alone my Amber?" I could only nod since his eyes were holding me hostage. I'm not quite sure it was legal for him to be out and about without a warning. Geez the things he did to my heart, not to mention other more interesting parts ...stop that floozy, man, where did you come from?

"Good, then you can have dinner with me tonight." He clasped my hand and turned and walked down the beach with me. He didn't ask, just took control, okay I was going to be a puddle any minute now. I felt all kinds of warm and feminine walking next to his six foot three self because I was a whole foot shorter. I didn't feel any trepidation at being alone with a strange man in a strange country, I just felt right, so right. We walked for hours filling each other in on our lives back home.

I was about to start my first year at Washington State while he was an established businessman, would he hold that against me? It didn't seem like it. We talked easily with each other for hours and every time he hugged me to his side I fell a little more in love.

Chapter 6

Present Day

"Where are you taking us?"

She'd built up enough courage to pose that question after I pulled back onto the road.

"Home." I saw her tense out of the corner of my eye but couldn't quite figure why that would be. The last time she'd been in my home she'd been treated like royalty, my whole family had been exceedingly supportive of her, of us. My little sister Terry had taken to her right away, maybe because they were the same age, though they couldn't be any different if they tried. Where Terry was a girly girl Amber was a bit of a tomboy who would eschew shopping to go fishing of all things.

My mom had been over the moon. She'd laughingly bragged to any and everyone taking credit for our romance, claiming that had she not sent me packing I never would've met my Amber. She was right of course, but the woman was hard enough to live with as it was.

After Amber disappeared mom had taken it hard. Whereas before she took joy in having somewhat orchestrated our meeting, she now blamed herself for her son's heartbreak. That was another one of the reasons I would make Amber pay. She'd used me to hurt my mom. In a roundabout way of course, but the result was still the same. Maybe that's the reason for her tension, she knew they wouldn't be as welcoming this time around because of her deceptions.

"Who's there?"

Did she sound afraid? What the hell was her game now? Why should she be afraid of anyone or anything in my home? She was the guilty party here, no one had wronged her; they’d all been welcoming even my cousins. Well distant cousins who weren't really related, just old friends of the family.

Whatever! I'd seen the way everyone had been with her and there was no reason for her to be afraid of anyone there. Now me, that was a different story, she should be very afraid of me and I won't let her forget it for one second.

"No one's going to be there, I live alone you know that."

She gulped as her body relaxed back into the seat.

"What about your wife?" There was a little bite to her tone.

"What the hell did you just say?" I was incredulous, now I knew for sure she was playing a game.

"I said..."

"I heard what you said, I just don't get what you're playing at you know damn well I'm not married."

"But I thought..."

"Enough, I don't want to hear anymore of your lies, save them for someone who'd believe your bullshit, that no longer applies to me. You burned that bridge good and proper."

I was fucking livid, how dare she? Did she know that I'd been planning to give her my grandmother's ring? Is that why she was throwing the wife thing in my face? The black hearted bitch. I'll make her pay for that insult.

Right after I fucked her to within an inch of her life. I'm going to bend her to my will and leave her a broken shell, just as she'd left me. Only thing was, where she didn't quite succeed, I’m going to be very thorough.

I couldn't wait to get her home this time there would be no escape. I had taken the necessary measures as soon as I'd learned her whereabouts. Not all having to do with her of course.

There was now a brand new top of the line nursery set up with everything my son could ever want or need, because although doubtful of the report, I’d needed to be prepared. And even though I'd had doubts in the beginning as to whether the child really existed, or later if he was mine, I had decided to bring him back with me.


